Friday, January 07, 2005

Television Is My Friend

Next time you turn to the ACC Game of the Week on Comcast SportsNet, take a look at Mike Gminski. He looks like Will Ferrell playing Harry Caray minus the glasses. Just disturbing. "Linda Ham! Linda Ham! Linda Ham! Does your name ever make you hungry?"

The "Rusty" Bud Light ad is starting to grow on me. However, that GEICO ad with the lizard doing the robot sucks balls. It almost sucks as much as that re-make of The Stepford Wives. What was Christopher Walken thinking? No amount of cowbell could save that bomb.

Slater might be the only other guy in the world who saw this, but Charles Barkley was on fire last night, mainly because there is some daytime reality show called "Starting Over", and a contestant on that show claimed Barkley picked her up and threw her in a trash can. In second grade. Off the charts comedy. Slater, tell me you saw this? (Um, since I strongly doubt Gheorghe has made it's way onto his bookmarks, someone ask him for me.)

OK, I didn't think it was possible, but Conan O'Brien has added a third entry into the running for Best Conan Character Ever. I was sure it was a two horse race between PimpBot 5000 and Triumph the Insult Comic Dog until I saw Vomiting Kermit. Double Wow.

Whit, keep mocking those Wizards right into a home playoff series.

Of Tomax and Xamot, who do you think was the pitcher and who was the catcher?

Quick wild card picks - Rams, Jets (total homer pick), Packers, Colts. Not very exciting I know.

Oh yeah, one last thing - 2005 is The Year of the Rooster. Seriously. I have the T-Shirt to prove it.


  1. There was no pitching, nor catching...just an nightly, 9 hour, rock-solid tight anal sixty-nine.

    Come on, knew that.

  2. Damn it - I thought that was Joyner and T-Cup. I get all those nightly, nine hour, rock-solid tight anal sixty-nines mixed up.
