Friday, January 14, 2005

Nothing Like Starting The Day... Color Me Badd's "I Wanna Sex You Up". These guys are atrocious.

It's been brought to my attention that Natalie Portman has a stripping scene in the new movie Closer. Um, how quickly can I sign up to see this?

I was 3-1 last week (great work Brett Fav-re), so why not give it a shot again this week. I'll take the Jets, Rams, Colts, and Vikings. That's right, all the underdogs. Making picks is easy when you wager like Randolph and Mortimer Duke.


  1. How old is Natalie Portman now? I guess I remember her most from The Professional, when she was a little kid.

    On that note, overheard at lunch today near a TV showing SportsCenter: "How hot is Michelle Wie?" [Embarrassed silence . . .]

  2. Maybe the guy is a big golf fan and he was referring to how hot the little girl's game is??? One can only hope.
