Friday, November 12, 2004

No the white phone

Attention Mike Swint: The McRib is back. I repeat, the McRib is back.

Why was Chuck Amato dressed like Starsky last night?

Hey Pierce Brosnan, saw your preview last night, and it looked OK. Unfortunately, I already saw it the first time, when it was called The Thomas Crown Affair (a very good, very underrated movie by the way).
That last barb was written by guest blogger David Spade.

The O.C. now just steals porn scenes? How fast can we rid ourselves of this lawn boy? How quickly can Whitney post a comment ripping the O.C.?

Quick show of hands - Who else liked Mr. Belvedere?

Um, we have the TV on at work right now, and if you haven't seen the absolute mob scene (and I do mean mob) over Arafat's body, find a way to see these pictures. Worst funeral procession ever.

Gee, who do you think has the edge in the Michael Jackson/Eminem war of words?

1 comment:

  1. We start with Letter Grade Meat...And then we process the hell out of it....
