Thursday, November 18, 2004

McBad, and very McLate

I guess I'm both ripping off the SportsGuy's Daily Link column and trying to pretend I have readers, but anyway, a few thought provoking items have been sent via electronic mail to me lately...

Hell, if the Reunion tour can't work, training to be a paramedic is obviously the logical next step. Thanks to Nashville's only Black Sabbath fan for the tale of Diamond Dave becoming Defibrillator Dave .

Feel's like a Hardee's night? Well, if you're feeling mighty ambitious (and perhaps suicidal), try Steve's favorite snack, the "Monster Thickburger" - two 1/3-pound slabs of Angus beef, four strips of bacon, three slices of cheese and mayonnaise on a buttered sesame seed bun - for only $5.49. This sold it for me:
In an interview on CNBC, Hardee's chief executive Andrew Puzder was unapologetic, saying the company's latest sandwich is "not a burger for tree-huggers."

For the record, I have absolutely, positively no desire to see Pedro Martinez as a New York Yankee, and I hope to god someone still has the power to keep George from signing him.

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