Monday, November 29, 2004

Man does work suck after a 5 day weekend

Was I in a food coma, or is Barry Pepper (a sublime Roger Maris) playing Dale Earnhardt in ESPN's "3"? I could've sworn the first time ESPN trotted out these commercials (4 months ago), George Eads from CSI was playing Earnhardt. Did they dump his ass and re-film the movie? Am I crazy? Does anyone either know what I'm talking about or care? Bueller...Bueller...

If you're looking for a good laugh on this Monday morning, check out this quote from Ricky Williams, pulled from Peter King's MMQB:
"At least I quit before all the fantasy drafts. Let's face it: If I'd quit after the drafts, the fans would all hate me." -- Ricky Williams, talking to's Mike Silver.

GTB's "Gheorghe of the Week" - Let's give it to Syracuse "back-up" RB "Neil" Diamond Ferri (CFB Name of the Year?), who absolutely dropped the hammer on Boston College Saturday. Ferri is actually the Cuse's starting SS, and when pressed into action Saturday at RB, he ran for 140 yards, 2 scores, and even threw in an interception return for a TD in the 43-17 throttling of the Eagles (and yes, because I was at home in lovely Latham, NY, I saw every minute of this game). Syracuse Coach Paul Pasqualoni said the kid was on the field for 125 snaps (and he might've saved Paul's job in the process). Well done Diamond. Well done.

The NHL? What's that? If you were curious what you're favorite hockey player is up to, a couple of updates for you: Darren McCarty is touring with his Detroit-based rock band, Grinder. If you're in Sault Ste. Marie Friday night maybe you can catch them. Chris Chelios is now a member of the Greek bobsled team. I didn't make that up. Seriously.

My only reader west of the Mississippi (in Eugene, OR no less) will be very disappointed to learn that the customers at the Latham Farms McDonald's now make the "cast" of Cops look like Mensa members. There apparently is also a new hiring policy requiring two front teeth to be missing on all cashiers (must be a Christmas season thing). The Union Station McD's now has some competition for worst McDonald's in the United States.

Whit (and Jerry), enjoy the Pedro Martinez Era at Shea.


  1. For the record: I too am west of the Missippi.

  2. Fantastic - let's make it a double barkeep.
