Saturday, November 20, 2004

Can I get a restock on Soap Boxes in Aisle 4?

Wow, if people thought the T.O. MNF skit garnered alot of attention, man are they in for a long fortnight. That Pacers/Pistons fiasco last night is going to get beaten to death by the media. I've watched alot of sports in my life, and that is by far the most ridiculous fight I have ever seen. Unreal.

(Quick aside - Nice of the South Carolina players to send Lou Holtz off in style. Good work fellas, Lou seemed mighty proud after the game.)

1 comment:

  1. I hope the Pistons fan that looks like Turtle from Entourage has to spend a lot of money to get his teeth fixed after Jermaine O'Neal's right cross/pop-up slide. Disgusting bunch of douchebags, those 8 Mile fucks.
