Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Morning Latte, with Tom Wilkins and Cass Van Rye

Excellent work by the Angries last night, a doubleheader sweep of some excitable old men and a creepy goggle-wearing pitcher. A tip of the cap to Team MVP Swint, who took one for the team and got me home, in time to watch the 8th and 9th innings of Game 1 no less. So the Yanks lose another Game 1 (8 of the last 11 if you trust the Fox stat guys) - not a huge deal really with Santana being the best pitcher in the AL this year. Superb defensive effort by the Twinkies last night - 5 double plays (Bernie Williams, Rally Killer). That many double plays and you expect to be listening to Cerphe spin records on Classic Rock 94.7's "Two for Tuesdays". Jon Lieber vs. Brad Radke tonight, time for the bats to awaken from their slumber - perhaps Sheff has a little of that BALCO hand lotion left.

1 comment:

  1. Team MVP? ha. after a miserable 0 for 3 in the first game, the Team MVP was the only person that got zero playing time in the second game. The Team MVP quits softball.
