Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Hidden gems in last week's Sports Illustrated

After reading last week's SI from cover-to-cover on Satan Air (see post below), I thought my reader(s) might enjoy these quotes (NFL defensive backs sure are a funny lot):

Baltimore Ravens cornerback Gary Baxter, on Washington, DC - "The funniest thing about D.C. is when I see the nation's Capitol. When you're growing up, you see it on money, and then when you see it in person, it kind of trips you out." I couldn't have said it better myself Gary.

Oakland Raiders cornerback Ray Buchanan, on his favorite off-day activity - "I love bowling. I average, like, 180. On Tuesdays during the season I get my brothers and go roll." Word of advice Ray, when you're out at the lanes, don't fuck with the Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Ray likes to go by the name Big Play Ray. honestly. we're good friends. it's well-documented.
