Thursday, October 07, 2004

The good kind of exhaustion

Having to wake up at 5:30am for work doesn't usually lend itself to late night television viewing, but when it's playoff baseball time the gloves are off. Mariano Rivera managed to blow only his third postseason save ever, dragging the game out well past the 4 hour mark, and Tanyon Sturtz (worst name ever?) gets saved from a Bronx lynching by Alex Rodriguez. Ron Gardenhire stuck with Nathan a batter too long (even Joe Corcoran doesn't throw eight balls in a row...oh wait...). I was impressed with Rodriguez last night, clutch when they needed it. Time for the Yanks to steal one in the dome, and than let's see what happens against Johan in a Game 5. I can barely function today, so go read Jerry's handywork over at the Wheelhouse (especially if you hate the Yankees, as most do). (EDITOR: This sentence should be revised to read, "...if you hate the Yankees, as all people with souls do." That is all. Please carry on.)

Since when do I have an editor? Aren't editors for real writers? Is this diminutive "editor" gonna pay me for writing this nonsense? And how the hell did this "editor" get the text stuck on italics?

Oh yeah, one last thing, I realize the guy is a Hall of Fame second baseman, but Joe Morgan is ABSOLUTELY KILLING ME. By inning 4 I just wanted to pummel him over the head with that worn copy of "The Big Book of Baseball Cliches" he kept using. Terrible.

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