Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Good God, This Is Outta Hand

I mean, this is ridiculous right? I'm not exaggerating here, am I? I'm not even speaking of the result (I'll let the professionals handle that) - I'm simply speaking of the game I witnessed last night. That was EXHAUSTING. I'm pretty sure that game lasted longer than Yakoff Smirnov's career. That has got to be the most intense ballgame I have ever seen. Every pitch, every at bat, for what seemed like 12 hours, was make or break. Kudos to both bullpens, especially donkeys like Heredia and Quantrill, who I was sure were gonna give that away on every pitch. How can these two teams be expected to play again tonight without physically collapsing on the field by the 6th? Hey, I'm not gonna rip Loaiza, that's the best (BY FAR) he's pitched since being on the Yankees. Perhaps next time the Yankees shouldn't leave 18 guys on base. As I said on this site just the other day, David Ortiz scares the shit out of me every time he's up. The man is a beast, and he's approaching Bird/Orr territory if he keeps up the heroics (or not, I'm sure SportsGuy will have 1,700 words to discuss this today).

I really enjoy my Angries softball, but I just rented a Navajo from the new Smithsonian to perform a raindance in my office.

Game 6 might really put me in the hospital.


  1. Abolutely insane. If the Mets ever play games like this, I will be a useless tub of jello for days and days.
