Tuesday, September 28, 2004

(Bubba) Franks and Beans

Excellent work by the Cubbies last night, especially the hyperactive young man on the mound, Señor Zambrano. Anytime "Crazy" Carl Zambrano and Jeff "Dream" Weaver are the foundation of your starting pitching staff, you know the stretch run is going to be tough (that's right, it's all about me, so now you get to read about my NL-only fantasy baseball team). Kudos go to Brian Douglas - Despite my passionate pleadings on draft day we took that douchebag Weaver, and he has pretty much saved our hide in August and September. Who knew?

So, was that former North Carolina two sport "star" Ronald Curry I saw Sunday night in a Raiders uniform? They turned him into a wideout, a wideout with 2 TDs already? Pretty impressive if you ask me.

Michael Jack has informed me Lost is a decent show, so now I guess the race is on to see whether Dr. Vegas gets canned before LAX. Blair Underwood, you disappoint me. Speaking of new TV shows, can I get a little more info from someone on Desperate Housewives. I'm pretty much sold just from the commercials, but I was hoping for that little extra push. Help a couch potato out.


  1. TJ, the title of the show should tip you off. Desperate Housewives is for housewives...or those women that act like housewives by making the lives' of their boyfriends miserable through excessive dinners at restaurants w/ outdoor seating. or the unnecessary use of exclamation points after every sentence.

    unless you loved Steel Magnolias or Thelma & Louise, I would stay away from this one. now, don't get me wrong, I like a good drama. but unless they plan on showing full-frontal nudity from Teri Hatcher (or even a nice bare ass shot), this show looks like it belongs on the Lifetime network. on a realted note, is Donna Martin under contract with Lifetime? b/c she seems to be in the majority of shows on that network. I also think that she is fantastic at playing the wet blanket girlfriend role. This leads me to the conclusion that she must be that way in real life.

    missed the North Shore last night, but that show is worth watching strictly for Shooter McGavin. best character on the show.

    Just in case anyone is wondering, the NL-only baseball league is the worst league on the face of the planet. Not b/c it's only NL players. I love that. but the membership in that league has almost ruined fantasy baseball for me completely. I think that TJ should dedicate a column to just this, although I reserve the right to put up an inane rant on Hot Action as well.

  2. Shooter McGavin and the addition of one Ms. Shannen Doherty have jumped North Shore to the absolute top of my TV viewing list. The dude dating the two chicks was a nice touch as well.

  3. Am I the only one who comments on this crap?

    TJ, can you figure out how to get the ñ in your señor sometime soon? thanks.

  4. I actually thought Desperate Housewives looked pretty interesting. That being said, there is zero chance I'll actually sit down and watch it, so...I sure hope for TJ's sake that it's super.

    By the way, Swint tried to sell me on something called "One Tree Hill" earlier this week...so it's not like he's sitting at home "I, Claudius" or anything.

    As to dinners and ending every sentence with an exclamation point: Amen. In the last week alone I've seen guys be forced to suffer nagging as a result of: taking a dip, "excessive" drinking--whatever that is, watching too much football, and waiting too long to take the garbage out. That seems fun.

  5. I was about to tell Swint that, yes, in fact, he was the only one who ever commented on this site. But into my life (and this blog) walked Geoff Burr. Excellent. I have seen parts of "One Tree Hill" - it fits the WB mold perfectly. As far as this "Desperate Housewives" thing, it's on Sundays right? There's no way I can really pull myself away from the Sunday Night train wreck that is an announcing crew. I hate exclamation points in emails - I also hate those smiley face things. God awful.

  6. Not surprisingly, I have been told I drink excessively a few times, often in conjunction with football watching.

  7. Smiley faces, especially the ones that are yellow on IM or move around, are the worst ever. If someone really wanted to put me to the brink of suicide, then sending me email after email with just smiley faces would do it.

    One Tree Hill is the new Dawson's Creek. might even be better b/c there is no one as gay as Dawson.

    don't sleep on Extreme Makeover: Home Edition on sunday nights. doing good things for good people. what's not to love. and the people on the show are straight. a couple of the designers are even hot. I'd be very surprised if TJ hadn't been forced to watch an episode by the BIH, oops, BH.

  8. And also be sure not to sleep on "Extreme Hangover: Home Edition"...and "Pimp My Resume."

  9. I need coffee. Stat. I have luckily never seen a moment of that Extreme Makeover: Home Edition show, and I'm planning to keep it that way.

  10. Señor. Señor. Señor. No mas.
