Friday, July 30, 2004

A Quick Guestie

Prompted by T.J.'s last post:
What do these films have in common?  I'll give it away: they're on Anna Benson's list of favorite films.  See if you detect the trend.

A Clockwork Orange
A stunning, striking, nihilistic vision of ultra-violence and the equally malevolent forces which attempt to curb it, starring Malcolm McDowell.  A masterpiece by Stanley Kubrick.

An action-filled, brilliantly acted epic re-interpreting the dark 1930's Chicago mob scene into the seedy 1980's Miami cocaine underworld, featuring a vintage Al Pacino performance as the flawed but enthralling title character.  A brutal classic from Brian De Palma.

The Godfather
THE film about the Mafia, expertly written, directed, cast, and acted.  Regarded as one of the greatest films of all time, an inside look at mob life -- portrayed both as one of loyal, dignified, familial virtue, and corrupt, violent, stoic doom.  Francis Ford Coppola's timeless masterpiece.

The Goonies
Some kids run around trying to find buried treasure and save their town.  The fat kid Chunk is funny.  Rudy is in it, and one of the Coreys.  And John Matuszak is a deformed idiot.  And all that talk about "One-Eyed Willie" makes me laugh like Beavis & Butt-Head.

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