Monday, December 01, 2003


A few rambling, barely coherent bits while recovering from a Thanksgiving spent eating too much turkey and drinking too much bourbon:

1. That sound you hear is my uncontrollable giggling over the Red Sox' acquisition of Curt Shilling. It's almost as if Game 7 of the 2003 ALCS didn't happen. Almost.

2. I'm shocked, just shocked, that Florida and Florida State players got into a donnybrook after their epic game. Why doesn't Bobby Bowden take more grief from the media for running a program with absolutely no integrity, on or off the field?

3. Barring an upset victory by Oregon State over USC and some bizarre computer machinations, looks like the BCS is going to fall into a barrel of horsecrap and come up smelling like perfume - again.

4. How many games do the Tampa Bay Buccaneers have to lose before John Gruden and Warren Sapp stop appearing six times a week on all major sports programs? Seriously, has a 5-7 also-ran ever had this much love from mainstream media outlets?

5. Chaminade!

6. Loved the creamsicle unis the Miami Dolphins sported against the Redskins last Sunday. Hated the fact that the Skins blew yet another 4th quarter lead. And then did it again this week against the Saints. 3 straight final stanza collapses by the worst team LDS' (that's Little Danny Starfucker) money can buy. But, hey, we got to see the 70th Anniversary uniforms again yesterday, so I'm sure merchandise revenues went up.

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