Thursday, November 20, 2003

Another Collection of Random Asides

Stream of consciousness without much thought on:

1. If a major professional hockey league disbands in a forest and nobody hears it implode, did it ever exist? And we think baseball has economic problems!

2. USC beat Arizona, 45-0, while Ohio State snuck past Purdue, 16-13 in overtime. The computers that play a large role in the Bowl Championship Series (BCS) rankings (pay no attention to the men behind the curtain) dropped the Trojans and elevated the Buckeyes, putting OSU in the driver's seat for the right to be pummelled by Oklahoma in the "national championship game". I'm hoping against hope that USC and OSU both win out and the BCS is, once again, revealed to be a sham of a mockery of a fraud. I've said if before (hell, I wrote an editorial about it in my high school newspaper), and I'll certainly say it again - to no real end - a 16-team Division I college football playoff would be the single biggest event of the American sporting calendar, would rake in megabucks eclipsing the cash available in the bowl system, and would not adversely impact the "student-athletes" involved. AND IT WOULD ENSURE THAT A LEGITIMATE NATIONAL CHAMPION WAS CROWNED ON THE FIELD AND NOT IN THE NEWSPAPERS, ELECTRONIC ETHER, AND ABACUSES OF AMERICA'S MATHEMATICS PHD CANDIDATES. This must happen. It makes too much sense not to happen. And so, it surely won't happen any time soon.

3. Andy Roddick is the world's No. 1-ranked tennis player. Yawn.

4. Is there any doubt at all that both Keyshawn Johnson and Warren Sapp will be courted heavily by Little Danny Starfucker? Hear me now and believe me later: if either wears Washington Redskins burgundy and gold next season, I will have a new favorite NFL team. (edit for clarity's sake: it should be noted that I am currently a 'Skins fan. if our meddlesome, football-dumb owner overpays for these two wildly overrated but big name players, I'll find a new team.)

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