Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Good Boy Filler

Whit was half-right. It is, in fact, filler week here at the content factory. But's it's a more specific sort of filler. We continue Animal Tear-Jerker Sportsish Filler Week with Jon Stewart's memory of his dog, Dipper. 



  1. Saw this the other night at the end of the show. Caught completely off guard. Got a little dusty in the room. First, an Israel-Palestine discussion, then Dipper. A guy can absorb only so much emotion from the freakin' Daily Show.

  2. had ethiopian food today for the first time in a cow's age. that shit is so good.

  3. five months after tim wakefield passed from cancer, his wife stacy also died from it. fuck you, cancer.

  4. i'm two episodes into the shogun remake on hulu. it's excellent. most recommend.

  5. I watched the first episode last night. Enjoyed it quite a bit.
