Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Interlude: To Eleven

Was thinking that Whit needed some inspiration to help close out Gheorghemas 2023. What better than to play some tunes by one of his favorite bands. 

I watched a bit of this and it is amazing how Spinal Tap their whole look was.  Ridiculous mustaches, tight velour jumpsuits with deep v-necks.  For God’s sake, the drummer is wearing a fur vest.  I think what may have happened to TR was that he took a time machine back to this year and decided to stay. 

BTW, the bass player’s orgasmic spasms at the 1:35 mark are also a highlight not to be missed. 

We will have some other tunes queued up for later this week in case Whit needs some additional motivation. I’m off to search for spoken word poetry by Mike Love. 


  1. aaron rodgers is gunning to be his generation's curt schilling, huh? loudmouth fuckwit who thinks he's smarter than everyone else because he's been put on a pedestal his whole adult life.

  2. any of y'all worried about being named on the epstein list?

  3. I remember Mike Epstein only at the end of his MLB career, when he was a pretty fair hitter for the Washington Senators and Oakland A's. Probably deserved more playing time throughout. So, no worries.

  4. I am not worried about being on any Epstein list (Jeffrey, Juan, Theo, etc.), just for the record. Boston's drummer's afro is amazing, so I googled him and it turns out that he's The Rock's father-in-law. I stopped paying attention to Aaron Rodgers once he refused to get vaccinated.

  5. For once I was glad to not have speakers on my work pc to accompany the video.

    However, this particular song has apparently been bludgeoned into my consciousness so deeply that I hear it in full with no sound of any kind.

  6. There is/was a fire at Tyreek Hill's house which sucks and I hope they extinguish it without too much damage and that no one is hurt. You should google "tyreek hill's house" though, it's ... large. Here's a tour.

  7. somewhere, Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes smiles

  8. Dug this album back in my pre-pubescent days, and into early pubescents if I’m being honest. Who plays the singer in a biopic you ask? Josh Brolin. No brainer.

    I may be wrong, but I doubt it…no matter how much money I was making as a professional athlete, I would either rent a furnished condo or home, and home only if married w kids, until I was done w my career, especially as a football player. Thanks for listening.

  9. At what point would you install a custom floor-to-ceiling shark tank in the foyer?

  10. I think I would do that before I had folks over to the crib to film.
