Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Full Contact Filler

I have a veritable plethora of posts in various stages of draft, but this whole not drinking during the week (Damp January!) seems to be sapping my creativity. No wonder the old boys used laudanum to loosen up the mind grapes and free the flow (props to you, Mr. Coleridge). Thankfully, I've got sources who kick interesting ideas my way.

In the case of today's filler, our man Mr. KQ dropped a text to share the trailer for a new Neflix doc centered on the 2023 Six Nations Championship. I couldn't be more in. Netflix has rapidly earned a reputation for delivering excellent sports-themed documentaries, from the acclaimed Drive to Survive (Formula 1) and Full Swing (pro golf) to personality-driven fare like Beckham and Naomi Osaka to event-centered stories like Captains (2023 FIFA Men's World Cup). 

Now, in the vein of the latter, comes Six Nations: Full Contact, the story of the six teams that competed for the 2023 title. I'd be interested to begin with, but add the fact that Whit and I attended one of the matches featured in the film (Ireland at Scotland in Edinburgh), a herd of hookers couldn't get me away from my telly when the episodes are released on January 24. Hope you'll join me.


  1. Need good vibes... today's local event is the 2pm funeral for a guy who lost his battle with cancer. As a high school senior. Blehhhhhhhh.

    Son of a guy that we went to HS with (who was in Ian's class). I'm not actually going, it's going to be a madhouse (it's at the Episcopalian church and the Presbyterian church a block away is offering a satellite opportunity for people to watch via livestream), I don't know the family as well as many others do, and I will offer respects when I see them next. It has cast such a sad pall over things for days where you are talking with a friend and the conversation inexorably goes there at some point. And it's the same grimaced look and head shake. Ugh. There but for the grace of God go I. Bless that poor family, and by the way, cancer can go fuck itself in the ass with the devil's dick.

  2. judging from the school's social posts, the kid was a good person with a terrific attitude throughout his illness. sending love to the norfolk academy community.

  3. That's terrible. Funerals for deceased young people are the saddest.

  4. Apologies for putting a damper on this post! Do look at what Kenny sent Rob. Killer stuff.

  5. here's a more uplifting story about a high school student. but whit set the bar pretty low. yes, this happened . . .

  6. the pete carroll/nick saban buddy roadtrip podcast is gonna be epic. saban learns how to use a potato for a bong! carroll participates in a sweatlodge ceremony! clockin' babes in the villages!

  7. Quite the day of coaching “whoas”.

    In other whoas- the storm we all experienced wasn’t nearly as bad as expected for us last night. Except for some flickering lights. And then we had some quick off/on power issues today. Our neighbors are awful and have terrible overgrown and invasive pepper trees that I am constantly trimming. Finally called the power company late this afternoon. They showed up at 7:45 and our power line was frayed. So…they’re currently cutting back all the neighbors trees (and some of ours), have pulled our power box and will be completely replacing our power pole this evening. Lucky for us that my in laws are in Italy. It’s a sleepover night.

  8. Gotta keep the hedges groomed around the power pole.

  9. Lots of us know that Z, but Mark never got to hang out in Klam’s room and learn such vital lessons.

  10. Belichick out of NE. Pats looking for a head coach for the first time in 25 years. Which is amazing.

    I’m blockheaded, but I don’t want the coach in Washington. He’s in his 70’s and I’d rather see someone who can coach for a long run. But he will likely land one of the 7 open NFL jobs.

  11. Belichick is not the guy you want for a rebuild. I think he makes sense for a team like the Chargers.

  12. Agreed. And am probably wrong. FTR I am not rooting against him...I'd like to see him succeed. Regardless of who he ends up with I'm shorting his stock. My prediction upon completion of his next stint is .500 or below assuming minimum of 3 years. You heard it here first. Caveat - unless he puts together a super group of coaches comprised of Saban and Carroll, a la the Traveling Wilbury's and others.

  13. carroll and saban not all that excited that eeyore will be joining them on the road trip.

  14. Belichick is Dylan. A mope, but you have him in the group because, well hell, look at what he’s done. He’s not for everyone, but most folks consider him legend genius. Saban and Carroll are Harrison and Petty. Not sure which is which. But if they can get Joe Gibbs out of NC, he’s Orbison.

  15. This should be a post. We need Dave or any other GTB resident cartoonist to come up with the visual. Maybe AI can do that if Dave is too busy.

  16. What should this troupe of coaching legends be called?

  17. Let's keep this thought chugging along in the new post up!

  18. I'll whip up that post guys, by day end. Just kidding.

    The AI post by Dave recently...planning on having my 15-year old read that. To that, I'm quite surprised that no one from this progressive bunch, me excluded, hasn't utilized said source to post something here. Or am I? No, I'm not. A prideful and talented bunch, driven, traditionalists at their core. AI be damned.

  19. I assume this troupe is called "Third and Long in the Tooth." Belichick can make something happen with Joey Bosa, Khalil Mack, and Derwin James. Justin Herbert isn't Tom Brady but he isn't Bailey Zappe either, and there's a lot of talent on the offense (albeit old talent).
