Friday, November 10, 2023

In Defense of the Dukes

In what will come as a shock to nearly all observers, the NCAA has decided to take a principled stand. Are they forcing PAC-12 institutions to honor their commitments to Washington State and Oregon State as they detonate the legacy conference? Wait, maybe they're prepared to acknowledge the fact that "student-athletes" are core to enormous business of major collegiate sports and have chosen to cut the kids in on the cash! Or, perhaps, they're going to throw the book at Michigan's football program in a timely fashion and bar the Wolverines from extending their splendid season into the playoffs?

Nah, mate. They're gonna make JMU hold to a standard established because the NCAA was apprehensive that colleges moving up a football division would be unprepared.

JMU was prepared.

Since they stepped up a level in competition, the Dukes are 17-3. Only Tulane has a better record among Group of Five teams. JMU are undefeated this year with road wins against UVA and Marshall. The school has also excelled across other athletic programs. In addition to football winning the Sun Belt Conference's East Division in 2022, JMU Volleyball and Women's Basketball won conference titles, and the lacrosse program made the NCAA tournament quarterfinals. Our friends in Harrisonburg have been the very model of an athletic program that planned and prepared exceptionally well for a move up in class.

This season's Dukes are 9-0, ranked 21st in the nation, with home games to play against Connecticut and Appalachian State before their season finale at Coastal Carolina. They'll be favored in all of those games. Should they win out, they'll win the Sun Belt East again, and by rights secure a berth in the conference championship game. Were they to be allowed to play in that game and win it, they'd likely earn a spot in a New Year's Day bowl. Says here that if they earn it on the field, they should be given the chance to keep going.

Let us stipulate that JMU knew the rules when they made the choice to move up the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) level. And we agree that those rules exist for a reason - moving to FBS from the Football Championship Subdivision (FCS) level requires a serious commitment and can be a daunting thing. Schools that choose to do so should be required to demonstrate that they understand and are serious about the undertaking, and a two-year moratorium on postseason football is a reasonable way to communicate that message to programs considering the leap.

It's also reasonable for an entity charged with oversight and compliance to review a new set of facts and conclude that an institution has clearly met the obligations implicit in its standard and allow common sense to play a role in its decision-making process. A waiver in this case is warranted, it says here. And a waiver is just that - a deviation from a standard based upon evidence and facts. A waiver is not (and we shouldn't need to say this) a change to the standard.

All of this will be moot for the next JMU, because the NCAA will cease to exist as a governing body before too long. But in the words of the denizens of the Houston Astrodome many years ago, let them play.


  1. Yes Roberto! Yes!!!! Rob for Commissioner of Something!
    Redonkulous the NCCAA. Get 'em the hell out of there.

  2. The NCAA is a joke as has been discussed many times here and in locations over drinks. I welcome the destruction of the cartel and the creation of a free market system that lets the student athletes playing football get paid what they deserve. This is a business and the only people saying that it’s not are those desperately trying to hang onto the current power/financial structure because it benefits them tremendously. Go ahead Dr. Jones, blow it up. Blow it back to God.

    Recognizing this, I actually have no problem with JMU’s continued exclusion. Sure we all root for the underdog, but in general we also know that JMU will make for shit ratings in any bowl game they play in - especially if it was to be a NYD game. This is the reverse of the ND effect. ND can be downright mediocre and top tier bowls and the networks will clamor for them because they generate ratings. JMU can whine all they want, but they are in the middle of making a deal with the devil of big time football to get access to the prestige and more importantly, the cash that it creates. Don’t crawl into bed with an unsavory character and then get upset they gave you VD.

  3. What a terrible sequel to one of the great sports films in history. I saw it in the theater.

  4. marls is such an institutionalist anti-romantic. which we need, so we'll allow it.

  5. not the worst sequel you saw in a theater, whit

  6. I did not travel with the gang to see Highlander II. Never seen it. Not after your review.

  7. and you're a better man for it

  8. I hate institutions that use romance to justify or cover the the fuckery that we all know exists.

    The NCAA’s sacred treatment of the amateur “student-athlete” to justify their highly profitable cabal.

    FIFA’s stand as defender of the “Beautiful Game” to justify their corrupt and sexist bullshit. Ditto for the Olympic organization.

    Evangelicals like Jerry Falwell Jr, using the veneer of Christianity to give cover to sketchy business practices, shitty morals, and dehumanizing treatment of people.

    Fuck all of them for taking things that are or were actually good and bastardizing them for their own purposes.

  9. also delicious as a side dish

  10. You don't want to hear Marls's romance stories.

  11. whoa. the big ten banned harbaugh for the rest of the season. maybe jmu will get to play after all.

  12. As usual, billable hours win.

    JMU situation doesn't exactly apply to policing and corruption, but I like to recall the Jerry Tarkanian quote about an episode at Kentucky: "The NCAA is so mad at Kentucky, they're going to give Cleveland State two more years' probation." Obviously, speaks to NCAA's protection of marquee schools often at expense of smaller schools.

  13. Marls spittin. Does anyone like Jim Harbaugh?

  14. Those Wiz city edition unis look even worse when playing the teal Hornets.

  15. The Wiz say make no mistake, it doesn’t matter what jerseys we wear: we can blow leads against doormat teams in any designs.

  16. The Athletic ranked all this year’s City Edition jerseys. Guess who came in last? The Wiz!

    I swear, this team, this town, nobody can do anything right.

  17. your boy wins $302 if camilo villegas can win this tour event tomorrow. in case you were wondering what to root for.

  18. Always like to have a rooting interest in a sporting event where I don’t give a crap!

  19. Meanwhile, our Tribe footballers are losing to Hampton U. This is the kind of season that normally bodes ill for the folks who currently keep their stuff in the coaches’ offices. Good thing we don’t give an whit about such matters at the College of Knowledge.

  20. In Orlando for Magic-Bucks. We have courtside passes for warmups. The Electric Daisy Carnival is also going on in the near vicinity. My kid is a getting close up view of rave culture.

  21. tribe wins. averts chaos. still not very good.

  22. tribe hoops fights back from a 17-point deficit with 9 minutes left, gets within 4, loses by 6 at gw. glad we were paying attention to the schedule.

  23. Mark, that sounds awesome. Was on a flight home and yesterday and watched the 30 for 30 on the Magic. Have fun.

  24. In Ocala for state swim meet. My boy, in his 10th year of participating in the sport, 8 of which were for his year round club team, will in all likelihood swim his last race tonight. Seeded 8th and 13th in 2 individual events and 2nd in 2 relays, his high school team (Nease) will be in the running to win it all. He has, as have we, given our lives to this sport…it will continue with our two girls but will be a strange and bittersweet feeling come 830 tonight. He’s going to give it up and pick up football for his last two years of school as he’s lost a bit of the passion required, understandably, after all of these years. Proud mom and dad regardless of what happens this evening. Let’s go Panthers!

  25. Big day, Dan. Very cool. Savor it all. I know we all know this, it goes so very fast!
    Our youngest (daughter) had a dinner party with 7 friends last night -- made the dinner herself, start to finish, then they all watched two movies before the guys left and the girls had a sleepover until this afternoon, when daughter then drove the girls home all over Tidewater! Meanwhile, we went out to dinner and stayed out of the way.
    AND she had her 6-month (exactly) out from surgery doc check-up -- how can it be 6-months ago?! - and everything is perfectly terrific, doc says. It's ahmazing, and we are so grateful!

    Will be cheering for your kid(s) Dan!

  26. big love to both of y'all. i vividly remember my daughter's last travel soccer game. she was 14, team was undefeated but had to win the game to win their league. she missed a sitter from about 10 yards in the first half. game was still scoreless, rain was pelting down, about half-way through the second half. ball popped out from a corner, rolled right to her about 25 yards from the goal. she stepped into it and knocked it over the keeper's head. only goal in a 1-0 win that clinched the title. i wasn't crying - it was raining!

  27. hello from Huntington Beach, which is apparently Surf City USA.

    Vaya con dios, gheorghies

  28. Donna, your day was better than ours and ours was awesome. Welcome news to say the least. Blessed.

  29. Dan, you are nice. I have to say, the x-ray of our daughter's back is spectacular! Unreal what they can do.
    So glad your son's swim and the family's enjoyment of it all was terrific! This is the good stuff in life.
    Here's to hoping the NCAA gets this right for JMU.
    Did y'all watch the soccer match -- surely yes. Big bummer for Rapinoe in opening 5. But pretty wild game to the end.

  30. Donna, that’s really great to hear. So glad.

    And Danimal, really cool for you. Happy days are here for the gheorghies.

  31. s and i are cleaning out our pantry this morning for the first time in...a while. question for you guys: you think 18 year-old old bay is still good?

  32. cameeeeeyoooooo vizhaaygaaaaaas!!!

  33. Love seeing good news on this pages.
    Mazel to Danimal & Donna.

  34. That’s really old bay Rob.
    Heck of a pick w Camilo. Did you pick one player or multiple? Either way, fine job sir.

  35. The heck with all that executive security and sales force experience. Eagerly look forward to new tout service: 1-800-rob-russ.

  36. i usually put a buck or two on a handful of guys, mostly longish shots. i usually lose. but when i win, it’s a nice return.
