Thursday, April 20, 2023

The Fall of a Sparrow

Some quick filler for you... here's something to listen to on these sunny spring days. Or when you're commuting to work, for those of you that still do. 

My old friend Ned is a musician whose work I've shared with you before. He's a nicest guy ever and knows his way around a whole lot of instruments. Here's the Spotify link to his work. 

A number of years ago, he composed and recorded a song that he brought to our 20-year high school reunion. Much loved by the gathered crowds, it remained in that time's medium (compact disc) until he recently re-recorded and released it on all the streaming sites. It's just called 20, and here it goes...

(listen closely to Verse 2 for a gheorghie namechecking)

Since you asked, yes, Les Coole and the Cukes indeed have a recent release. This came out in March, a vague recounting of a concert my high school chums and I took in at William and Mary Hall in '87. Athens band. Enjoy, if you can. 

At least enjoy Symphony member and friend Jake Fowler on cello. And chuckling at the end. 

And finally, it's been shoved down your throat before, but Garden State Dave's podcast is soaring. Get on board now.

If you wonder what Dave's podcast name refers to, go no further than what is arguably Shakespeare's most famous play. 

If your mind dislike anything, obey it. I will forestall their repair hither and say you are not fit.
Not a whit, we defy augury. There's special providence in the fall of a sparrow. If it be now, 'tis not to come; if it be not to come, it will be now; if it be not now, yet it will come. The readiness is all. Since no man knows aught of what he leaves, what is't to leave betimes?

Not a whit indeed! I certainly couldn't do a podcast like this.



  1. At 3:12 “And now I am an expert” is peak Dave.

  2. it's peak professor truck, for sure

  3. This podcast is a goddam tour de force. What Dave calls staccato I call schmaltz. I've always thought that a lot of you Gheorghies like really atonal music but now I guess I should call it legato.

  4. In other news, the Jungle Brothers are touring this summer! And their NYC show is on a Monday?

  5. i've learned via the podcast that there are some words that dave can't pronounce correctly. it's amusing. or should i say, amozing.

  6. I suppose I'll have to tune in and see what Zman calls "a goddam tour de force".

    My wife is not the fondest of legato instruments. I have a live recording of a Seattle show where John Coltrane and band, with extra help, dive deep into "A Love Supreme" that I sometimes play at earsplitting volume when she's not around. That show is a goddam tour de force!

  7. Enjoying minor league baseball this evening. Like a sore dick, it’s hard to beat. Up the Tides!

  8. Uh, slow day at the G to the TB

  9. Slow weekend too, I guess. Glad I decided to skip today's Spurs match. Oof.

  10. Just finished the 3rd u11 comp soccer game in 5 days this afternoon. Starting to get real fucking hot on the these florida soccer fields. All I want to do is sit by my pool. Gonna do a little of that but have to smoke a prime rib for my Dad's birthday too. Guess I can't get aggressively high.

  11. Aggressively high is a phrase I’m pocketing.
