Saturday, February 18, 2023

True Love

In honor of my nephew's wedding this afternoon, please enjoy this lovely story from Stephen Colbert about meeting the love of his life.

And the warmest of wishes to Max and Dani.


  1. Tribe losing by 20 at the half to a crappy Northeastern team. Yipes.

  2. my very anglo nephew married a mexican-american girl this afternoon and the intermingling of the families was so lovely and the party was wide open. learned some new wedding party traditions, did tequila shots with the bride’s parents, listened to a bunch of tunes i’d never heard. love wins.

  3. I'll miss this year's OBFT to see my nephew betrothed to a Japanese woman on the coast of Maine. Cultura!

  4. today's musician just dropped a strong version of 'forever and ever amen'. that's a good one to listen to while chilling upstairs waiting for my lady to get ready to grab a drink. then he played 'wagon wheel' just to piss off rootsy.

  5. glad you had a good time. we just finished cleaning the house because my older son-- freshman at college-- is bringing his half-asian girlfriend over for dinner. and we are having tacos!
