Friday, September 09, 2022

Dare You Write Your Names On That Page

If you're one of the bazillion people who follow Rex Chapman on Twitter, you'll have already seen this, but it's so good that the entire Gheorgieverse needs to witness its glory.

During the Sky Sports gameshow 'A League of Their Own', host Romesh Ranganathan asks Welsh actor Michael Sheen to improvise a motivational speech for the Wales soccer team ahead of their World Cup clash with England in November. To which, this stemwinder:


  1. a grace note here that makes this all the more amazing and impressive as an off the cuff oratory: when he talks about turning the page..."to rob's page", he's referring to the coach of the wales national team, rob page. fucking brilliant, that.

  2. The names aren’t the usuals but this has been one of the more entertaining mens division US Opens in recent memory.

  3. I’m thoroughly enjoying the Randy Moss revenge game.

  4. Would have loved to see Bama lose but seeing the Irish go down more than made up for it.

  5. air force is more athletic than colorado. that’s not great for the buffs.

  6. I’m wondering if CBS is having a bit of non-buyer remorse. It’s a big drop off from having the SEC 3PM game to Air Force - Col.

  7. marls out here besmirching our service academies. i mean, colorado deserves it. but air force?

  8. Coast Guard Academy had a big win against Curry today.

  9. lots of gheorghie on gheorghie violence here today. i won't stand for that, friends.

  10. I’ll stand for it, Rob. I come from an FSU family and me being a Gator has really spiced up our falls. That said, fuck Danimal and his joy over Kentucky deserved victory.

  11. Fun Belt!!

    Scott Frost may not make it out of the building.
