Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Gheorghasbord: Nhew and Nhoteworthy

As always, clearing the cobwebs of ephemera that's mildly interesting for all kinds of reasons.

Heard this band described on SiriusXMU as having a "90s sound". Grunge? Nah. Even better. Momma sounds like prime Belly/Liz Phair/Letters to Cleo with big guitars and pounding drums. I'm all the way in. Get some.

OBX Dave hipped me to an amusing Lord of the Rings tribute from Stephen Colbert and friends that randomly features/roasts Anna Kendrick. 

If you didn't watch the end of the Furman/Chattanooga game Mark brought to your attention last night, it's worth catching the highlights. March is cool. If you don't root for William & Mary.

Bomani Jones' new show 'Game Theory' premiers on HBO on Sunday. He discussed it with Shlara's homie Domonique Foxworth on 'The Right Time' podcast on Friday and the typically reserved Jones was hyped for the first episode. Here's the trailer. (And if you don't listen to Foxworth Fridays on 'The Right Time', you're missing out. Two very smart dudes with unique takes on sports, race, and culture informed by different experiences.)

And just 'cause, in anticipation of going to see these guys live with Mark and The Teej:


  1. Our playlist is set for tonight's show and it doesn't include any of these worthy gems, but you can still tune into ORF Rock anyway. 7pm.

  2. my kid is home from college and excited to go to nyc tomorrow to see her boyfriend's band play their first gig in the big city. or was, until she tested positive for covid after feeling crappy all day. dagger.
