Monday, September 13, 2021

What More Do you Need to Know About These People?

This person and this type of person make my blood pressure escalate. 

This approach this kind of vermin lowers my blood pressure, More of it, please!


  1. I wish I had the free time, computer skills, and creativity to do stuff like this. Instead I just rattle off wildly inaccurate sports prognostications.

  2. Was that song on the Garden State soundtrack?

  3. This is amazing, but you'd have to watch a bunch of garbage to turn into such treasure.

  4. that's brilliant. i found alex jones to be a little different than i imagined when i listened to the last time he was on joe rogan. rogan was trying to slow him down and fact check him-- but he's genuinely trying to connect all the dots in some paranoid, manic way-- he might be insane and has said some highly absurd stuff but i like him better than trump for president.

  5. Gladys Knight just finished one of the most horrendous anthem versions I’ve ever heard. Sounded like a drunk hockey arena organist in the background.

  6. She shoulda booked The Pips, I guess?

  7. Urban Meyer will coach Southern Cal next year, right?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. pour some out for the mooring, which fell to the inexorable tide of progress today. and a front-end loader, i guess. end of an era.

  10. Hi Wht!

    I watched most of the MNF game w/ the Manning Bros commentary. It started shaky, but I loved it in the second half and OT. I learned a ton by hearing them talk about what they saw. Those guys are so much on the first take, and they explained it well. My kids loved it as well.

    I like Levy and Riddick, but their days are numbered.

  11. norm macdonald passed away. that's bullshit.

  12. I liked Norm's work, though I wasn't as fond of his twitter play by play of PGA tour events.

    Echoing TR's point, I too liked the Manning-cast. Not a polished TV product, but who among us hasn't heard enough broadcaster bloviating to last a lifetime?

  13. Bummed about Norm. He's in my top 5 comics. He'll be missed.

  14. The Manning Brothers and Ray Lewis are three of my least favorite NFL players of the past 20-some-odd years, all for different reasons. That said, their broadcast was really interesting. Travis Kelce didn't bring as much to the table as Lewis IMHO.

  15. In other news, zdog chooses to eschew the forty-some-odd dollars worth of chew toys I bought her in favor of zshoes. I brought her to the pet store to identify something she would chew on and came home with more bully sticks (which are disgusting) and a sheep's horn. It turns out that sheep horns smell like complete ass when a dog chews on them. Luckily zdog's favorite place to chew on her sheep horn is my home office.

  16. i applaud dave's willingness to listen to the abjectly and belligerently stupid in order to attempt to understand different perspectives. i don't have it in me.

  17. Pisser about Norm. Live well, good people.

    And listen to ORF Rock. Back after our exclusive three year tour of Europe, Scandinavia, and the subcontinent, we’re back in the studio tonight!

  18. From Calumet City Illinois…

  19. tribe’s own kathy carter named president of the 2028 los angeles olympic organizing committee. wonder if she’s looking for staff bloggers.

  20. The dog days of September are slowing down production here at the quip factory

  21. You can add "Bitchin': The Sound and Fury of Rick James" to the list of great rock documentaries.
