Tuesday, September 29, 2020

More Emergency Filler

 Quakers released a new mix tape of mostly beats, so they called it a beat tape, and they also set to a music video.  It's all good.  Their summary of the tape's origin story goes thusly: “They returned to the planet to find humans reaping ecological havoc. From their arsenal of secret weapons comes Heavy Tremors: a sonic assault to help bring the world back into balance. This siege of beats targets the few who systematically pillage the planet and its resources for their own benefit. Play it loud.”

I'm pretty sure I've posted Quakers songs here before but if not here's a personal favorite.  It features Guilty Simpson so I'm sure it's Teedge's fave too.


  1. Pour something non-alcoholic out for Sheikh Sabah.

  2. Marls, I assume you are running the Fire Samantha Huge twitter account?

  3. I’m actually not running that account. However, I wholeheartedly support the mission.

  4. There is one?

    Maybe it is true what a dorky freshman told a group of us after we bought him a pair of Delly pitchers and he was unsure that we'd given him his correct change: "You don't fuck with a swimmer."

    It's true. I mean, then one among our group nodded to our bouncer chum that this clown was underage and the kid got kicked out and we took the pitchers and drank them. But based on the big money raised by W&M alum swimmers and the Twitter wrath raining down on Hugh Jass and the school, it might be true.

  5. We're all rooting against the Astros, right?

    And I have not been this unenthused about a Yankee playoff team since 2006, when Torre moved A-Roid down to 8th in the order. I expect them to get swept.

  6. And in a revisit to last post, I love "Dead Man's Party." It gets played almost as much as "Weird Science" on stations like SiriusXM's 1st Wave. Which is to say it's the only Oingo Boingo played at all, for the most part.

    1st Wave is one of permanent go-to stations on the satellite. They lean on old alt-rock DJ's like LA's Richard Blade and Long Island's Larry the Duck, plus Billy Idol and Marky Ramone and other amusing cats from yesteryear.

  7. I'm rooting for Oakland, Cleveland, Milwaukee, or San Diego.
    Billy Beane, ending a drought, beer, and... I just like San Diego.

    The A's appear to be responding accordingly, down 3-0 in Game 1 already.

  8. love first wave. richard blade cracks me up. living his best life.

    we're rooting against the astros and the yankees. this is exactly the kind of year where the yankees harness their considerable talent and run off a bunch of wins.

  9. Oliver Perez sighting in the bloodbath in Cleveland.

    Nope, not watching that other mess.

  10. This debate is a traveshamockery.

  11. VH1 has a Chapelle show marathon. Thank God.

  12. This has turned into a three scotch Tuesday.

  13. Hi Gheorghies. Stupid work, no drinking.
