Friday, May 24, 2019


When I was in my 20s, I spent hours - probably numbering in the hundreds - laughing at the same scenes played over and over again. Tractor beam, sucked me right in.

So it was more than a little interesting this week when I saw this guy:

Saying this:

It's a hell of time, friends. I think I'll just buy a six-pack.


  1. Should we tell the flamethrowers back in the other post about this one, or nah?

    My buddy Mr. Chitlin' is going to check out the TourX wagon. Z's review piqued his interest.

  2. Here's one in NJ for $11K off MSRP (it's new but it's also a 2018 so it's dead weight on the lot). 0% financing for 72 months. Dealers are begging people to take these cars.

  3. The Marquis de Fairbanque tweeted this link, in case you missed. I am quite sure Rob read this and smiled:

  4. Is everyone following the OG Gheorghe on Twitter?

  5. There has been a startling development in rock music that requires me to follow up on a post from last year. A good result.

  6. Happy Memorial Day weekend, Gheorghies.

  7. The holiday wkd begins! Will be glamping at Westgate River Resort south of Orlando in T minus 2 hours. Thankfully we will have modern day accoutrements, otherwise moody Dan might make an appearance with record high temps in the mix. Will keep you posted.

  8. Spent about 6.9 hours at the car dealer with zmother-in-law leasing her a new car. She started us out with zero leverage because they had only one car with the color combo she wanted and navigation. It was awesome. I managed to chisel them down pretty well and z-m-i-l is happy but I feel like I could’ve done better if I wasn’t hamstrung.

  9. For you GoT fans, if you're interested, I posted a pic of the birthday cake I made for our 16 year-old son's party on my FB page. It's "House Stark"-themed, as he requested. Last year was Targaryen-themed. If I knew how to post pics here, I would post them both for ya. Enjoy the long weekend!

  10. Spent 6+ hours at the beach with a a large group of friends that came and went. Avoided being burnt but I’m pretty well worn out. Hard to see me making it to the end of Game 6.

  11. I went 2-0 as a rec coach today. My two kids pitched a total of 3 innings and did well, and my younger guy smoked a triple.

    Not meant as a brag. It’s just very rewarding when you invest time in your kids with something like coaching and they have success and a positive experience.

  12. Atrocious 4th qtr for the Bucks. The spotlight is way too bright for them.

  13. Giannis is going to be great. Likely the best player in the league in short order. But this series exposed his weaknesses. He’s got to become more of a threat from the perimeter if the offense is going to run through him. I have no doubt that will happen. Kawhi is clearly not 100% but he’s a top 3 player in the league. Where he ends up this summer, along with KD, is a wild subplot to this season. Have two of the best players in any league ever been free agents at the same time?

  14. One of my high school teammates got ina high speed chase with the cops on Friday night and then pulled out an AR-15 and shot it out with them.

  15. That’s one way of exercising freedom. Alternatively, we might all be better off if the police didn’t have to return active fire on a routine traffic stop. Consider all your options when exercising your franchise in 2020.

  16. Pretty fucked up situation. On top of all of it, the guy has six kids.
