Monday, May 06, 2019

It's Report Card Time Again

Every 69 posts or so, the G:TB powers that be (doofus overlord and tiny dictator) are always pressing for the latest stats. They're been delivered, possessed, and stewed over.

While Teejus will hit us with a new ghooghles post soon, supposedly, here's your GTB Report Card for the first third of 2019:

Keep up the solid work, my friends.

Some of you thrive in Comments rather than posts.  Working our interns to see if we can get those stats. In the meantime, remember rob's mantra: "postcount over punctuation"

Until the next time...


  1. Nice use of merged cells. This MBA program is paying off handsomely for you.

  2. i'm about to increase my post percentage by 50%.

    some mouse had the audacity to shit in my rollerblades!

    i haven't pulled them out in a couple of years, but i cleaned them out and i'm going to give them a shot . . .

  3. Dave, as you once explained to me, the mouse droppings aren’t what’s hardest about rollerblading...

  4. Teej, the teacher’s comment is in Lucida Handwriting, I believe.

  5. I saw her and the Truckers at the Anthem in DC in January. Supposedly.

  6. love lucinda williams. she should have her own font. distorted, dirty and with jagged edges. my rollerblading jaunt was a success, despite the mouse droppings. i need a new pair though, my feet have widened since 1998 . . .

  7. Whit stole my rollerblading joke. I told that on Saturday night. Always gets a non-PC chuckle.

    I’m waiting for the time in my life when I can stop logging so many hours at the cracker factory. That’s when I’ll unleash my wit. It ain’t this year, unfortunately.

  8. TR, just make sure you’re achieving some work/life/Gheorghe balance. Eh, keep on keepin’ on, and we'll be here when you want to blow off some steam.
