Sunday, April 21, 2019

Have a Gheorghie Easter

I have lots of thoughts about current events, but today's a day for reflection. And in my case, for tending a lawn that's been neglected for the past two weeks. So enjoy Easter the Gheorghie way:

Prince passed three years ago today. I saw this performance from the 2007 Super Bowl press conference for the first time this morning. Holy God above, but that dude could perform.


  1. Climate change isn't the highest issue on my list of liberal grievances but if the Green New Deal includes a plank outlawing the plastic grass that comes in Easter baskets it will definitely move up a few notches. That shit gets everywhere.

  2. Thx for the parental advice. Can’t wait to tell my wife what all my internet friends think!

    Shambolic showing by Man U today.

  3. Had a few pre-easter beers with MR. KQ on Saturday, much needed before meeting up with the family.

    Swearing runs in our family. And after a weekend with my family, my 10 yr old son might think it was a normal part of any conversation.

  4. Looks like it wasn't my sump pump that failed, it was the outlet I plugged the sump pump into that failed. I have a battery backup AND and whole-house generator but it was the $20 outlet that doomed my basement. I see a Water Commander in my near future.

  5. Are the KQ's going to see Sister Hazel at the State Theatre on Sept 7?

  6. luke walton, call your office
