Monday, March 25, 2019

Two Minutes and Thirty Seconds to a Brighter Day

Deviating from the usual hard-edge content you get from Igor, Clarence, and me, here's something that made me cry like a little kid yesterday. Something about daughters and adding something lovely to the world.

There isn't much more to say, other than this is one reason why I'm still on Facebook despite millennial mocking, concerns about privacy, and that I could access much of the same stuff via my Instagram and Twitter accounts. I see posts and clips like this, and they have a million times more impact on the tenor of my day than Mueller reports and mutilated brackets.

(I also shared this with my daughters and told them they need to spend less time on Snapchat and more time at the piano. Not bloody likely.)

Two German sisters taking on Radiohead's "Creep" in the German show The Voice -- Kids.  The whole clip is 12 minutes, but you see all you need by 2:30 or so.

Worth playing at a decent volume.

Have a nice day.


  1. i don't think so.

    paci's a little pitchy.

  2. Their grandfather was in Kraftwerk and their uncle was in Scorpions. And their aunt was Nena.

  3. But no relation to John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt.

    Hey Marls!

  4. Really cool!! Turns out the super talented husband I have —classical piano performance undergrad degree and a great singing voice too —has passed those genes to the next generation, and our children all amazed us at recent variety-type show events. Our 11 year old daughter sang the ballad “Its Quiet Uptown” from “Hamilton” and it was unreal!! Have video, too. And our oldest son now sings in the VA Choral Society. Too proud indeed!
    Btw—I’m with y’all on the Shaver situation—can’t figure who the hell they’ll hire!!

  5. Does anyone want to buy a house in Teaneck NJ? I know a little old lady who's looking to sell and it's a real hidden gem. She has OCD so it's immaculate.

  6. Paci's kids only know how to sing rugby or Irish drinking songs.

  7. how many miles on the house? did she only drive it to church and back?

  8. this is super uncool

  9. The house is already at church so she only drove it to Amazing Savings and back.

  10. It’s listed on

  11. Donna--I love "It's Quiet Uptown"
    Makes me cry every time

  12. Z - The E500 is at 26.5 with 4 days to go. I think she is going to go out of my price range.

  13. Don’t think like that, Marls

  14. Hey TJ!

  15. That’s not quite the car that Teedge should drive. Sufficiently off kilter but not fully representative of the entire man. I know what car Teedge should drive(I’ve had my eye on his car for a while), I just need to write it up.

  16. I knew you’d like it, buddy

  17. Is the car he should drive a child’s tricycle with a flag?

  18. How good would Teedge look in that car though?

  19. My swag is undeniable and my drive is indescribable. His love is supernatural. His grace is that reliable...the top is where I reside period.

    This is my new mantra.

  20. That quote was from my boy Biebs. He’s dropping knowledge.

  21. You know what really gets my goat? Mock drafts that have mock trades. Just guess the draft picks, asshats.

  22. Stranger Things 3. I’m fired up!

  23. I thought that already happened

    Get it?

  24. That’s an Audio Two reference right?

  25. Don’t overthink my idiocy. I just meant stranger things have happened.

  26. I am a probable for Rootsy and his jug band Friday night. Looking for some wingmen or women. Who’s with me?

  27. Betsy DeVos has pissed off the wrong crowd now

  28. Even Bell and Biv are mad.

  29. Anybody have food/drink recommendation for downtown Charlotte? I will be kicking it there alone tonight.


  31. TR, my bros fiancé lives in CLT, and he sent along these recs.

    BLT in the Ritz. Good bars in Ritz too haven’t been to rooftop one but is well known

    Roosters uptown. Good comfort food/ wood fired oven/grill fare

    Stoke also looks good(haven’t been). Wood fired fare a little more upscale than roosters

    5Church. Haven’t been there either but well known

    Dandelion Market- good small plates etc downstairs. Nightclub upstairs later in the evening.

    Ink and Ivy isn’t bad. Big spot with lots of people. Food was solid. Casual

    Loft and cellar/. Haven’t been but looks like solid southern cuisine

  32. Full service comment, Rootsy. Nice. Even in the face of GTB collectively yawning at your upcoming musical performance.

    For the record, yours truly and fellow Tribesters Billy K and Matty O (names cutely abbreviated to protect the very guilty) will be on site for some suds and jugs Friday in RVA.

  33. if jugs are involved, bet you can get hoopie there.

  34. That's awesome - I 'll check on the availability of suds at the theater. It may be a byo-flask sort of venue.

    The credit for the comprehensive comment goes to my brother. I just copied and pasted.
    He and his lady are both high-end caterers though, so they're pretty tapped into the food & beverage scene.

  35. Rootstone Jug Band
    Fri, Mar 29, 7pm.
    This versatile ensemble presents the rural roots of American music. Rootstone Jug Band evokes a time before radios and recordings when folk songs were woven into the fabric of rural life. Old-time songs from Virginia come alive again and are presented alongside material from classic jug bands and songsters of Memphis.

  36. Um, Rootsy...
    "No food or drink is permitted in the theatre (house, booth or stage). Food and drink is permitted only in the Green Room and Dressing Rooms. Renters are responsible for cleaning up after each day’s use, including Green Room and Dressing Rooms."

    Damn you

  37. I just ordered not one but two flasks on Amazon Prime. Game on.

  38. It's a nice little theatre very close to Richmond, but with a very small town feel.

    I assume we'll have the green room/ dressing room, so you're welcome to come back and drink there.

  39. You didn’t already own a plurality of flasks? I would’ve set the O/U at 3.5.

  40. Nate Oats was going to make $800K at Buffalo next year. He got hired to replace Avery Johnson, who made $3MM/year.

    I bet my boy Nate just got one big-ass raise. He’s got to be at least $1.5 MM, right?

  41. I too was stupefied that Whit had to order a flask. I concur with zO/U.

    I assume my old neighbor Russell Turner survives his dumb ass remarks and keeps the UCI job, but the Tribe could do worse, should he become available. I like to think some of his success is attributable to the sick alley oops I used to feed him in my back yard back when I was 11 and he was 16.

    TR - please report if you check out any of the recommended establishments in Charlotte. My 13 year old spends 5 weeks down there this summer for ballet intensives, and I'll be the parent on duty for some of that time.

  42. I may have one, maybe a couple of flasks somewhere. Two trips back up the aisle mean you lose a lot of your shit, either figuratively or literally.

  43. Rootsy: 5Church nice for a good cocktail. Ink & Ivy a safe default joint. Had a steak at bar at BLT. Only recommended if you can expense it.

    Town is dead if there’s no sports or concert. Huge number of vacant bars/restaurants tonight.

  44. And you’re back home by nine? I don’t know whether to applaud your restraint or drive down and jam you!

  45. We had a massive hail storm here today. Far worse than any I’ve ever witnessed. Broken windows, badly damaged cars. Debris fucking everywhere from the high winds. Pretty wild.
