Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Fashion is Dumb: Worst. Clowns. Ever.

Now they're some sad things known to man
But ain't too much sadder than
The tears of a French clown when there's no one around...

[h/t TR]


  1. In the words of Comic Book Guy, "Worst. Filler. Ever."

  2. Would have been better if you included the video link I sent! It is below. We need a new dooofus in charge over here.


  3. Nobody asked me, nor should they, but I guess could get behind a swarthy doofus who's not afraid to stare down israeli intelligence. But the guy who does McFisty is aight, too.

  4. new post up at park the bus, kind of an oddball topic but i just went with it . . .


  5. anyone else at a sales conference listening to big & rich? just me?

  6. How was the show, Rob? Big & Rich doesn't sound too you.

  7. One of the software companies we partner with has a 'famous' act perform at their annual user's conference. Past acts that have played: Brett Michaels, Lenny Kravitz, Pitt Bull, Goo Goo Dolls, Billy Idol. I only got to see Lenny and PitBull. PitBull was hilariously bad. He lipped sang every song. But rode up in the elevator with Lenny's band after the show at the hotel. The woman drummer was very nice. No G&W stories.

  8. I imagine there's something kind of depressing about seeing a well known artist doing a corporate gig. But that seems so 'in the wheelhouse' for Big & Rich that they have no qualms about it.

  9. Apparently a lot of famous artists do corporate gigs. The guy across the street from me works for a very big company food/confectionery company and they had Cyndi Lauper play their holiday party. The stunning part is that she only charged $12k. I assume she only played for an hour and she might have requested an additional $12k in cookies and crackers, but I would've thought she demands more.

  10. I saw Billy Idol at Hampton Coliseum in ‘90. Great show. It was probably different at the corporate event.

  11. In other news, President Trump today asserted that the people he appointed as his chief intelligence officers are "extremely passive and naive" and "wrong!". He also suggested they "should go back to school!"

    I guess he doesn't really get the best people to work for him. Of course, he also wrote about Iran, stating that "There [sic] is now crashing" so maybe he's just stupid.

  12. Maybe I'm stupid. He said "There [sic] economy is now crashing ...."

  13. I saw Lyle Lovett and His Large Band at a corporate gig way back in 2000. He was awesome. Huge crew of musicians and they all kicked ass.

    The next night, Stephen Wright was the performer. He was awful. Almost all the jokes were repeats from the 80’s. Super lame.

  14. Lyle and his large band is superb. Always.

  15. i have a cold. and it is cold. i don't think i'm going to make it. my nose is running and my eyes hurt. if this the end for me, you guys are the best.

  16. Hope you get better Dave, especially if you haven't seen Lyle Lovett and his large band yet.

  17. If you already saw them, then never mind.

  18. never saw them, so i'll hang on a couple more days. when trump tweets about global warming, is it purely tactical?

  19. Seems like it's time for a post from somebody.

  20. Which one of you VA boys is going to go and try the KFC Cheetos Sandwich for us? Rooty or Whit, we are counting on you.

  21. The Knicks got like 25¢ on the dollar for Porzingis, right?

  22. Takeaway from the Deion 30 for 30 is the idiocy of the Braves not defining "full time" in his contract.

  23. Squeaky, not a chance that I'm putting that in my body. We'll have to wait for Whit to get back stateside. In the meantime, you can get the Roanoke times review here .
