Thursday, December 20, 2018

Gheorghemas Interlude with a Side of Bacon

The second half of 2018 was difficult for me. Ours is sometimes referred to as the "sandwich generation" because many of us have to take care of our kids and our parents, so we're sandwiched between them. Since the end of May I've been in a sandwich only mine's a club--I take care of my kids, my mother, and my grandmother. Through all of it G:TB has served as the bacon in my club sandwich. Thank you for giving me a venue to be an idiot and to read other people's idiocy. The past few months would've been much harder without your humor and dipshittery. Mark also gave me tremendously helpful advice on navigating the eldercare delivery system, TR helped me move some furniture, and many others sent me well-wishes and good vibes. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all of this. Thank you.



  1. Elder care is no walk in the park. It's a full time job. Much respect to anyone who has to go through the process.

    And is no one going to mention Dave writing, “So instead of recommending seven books, which is six too many, I'm going to recommend seven book categories.”, then he recommends 10 books?

  2. I try to limit my pedantic comments on Dave’s posts to one. I used that up yesterday. Thanks for picking up the slack.

  3. i couldn't help myself. i love books! and fonts.

    zman, that sounds like a full plate and i wish you the best with it. we're only navigating that elder-care world with my grandmother and it's rough. a good movie for some elder-care tips and inspiration is "Logan."

  4. Logan's Run? I guess that's one way to deal with eldercare.

  5. And Dave, I liked the crazy fonts. It was different. Not uniform. This isn't Russia. Is this Russia? This isn't Russia, is it? I didn't think so.

    Let your freak flag fly!

  6. hello gheorghies!

    i come here for the logan's run jokes.
