Sunday, November 04, 2018

A New Era Bustin' Loose

Tonight in a heretofore overlooked and underserved section of the Nation's Capital, a renewal of sorts began to take root. The Capital City Go-Go played their first ever game, christening the D.C. Enterprise and Sports Arena with a 107-105 overtime loss to the Greensboro Swarm - they're doing their part to keep DC hoops terrible.

Chasson Randle led the home team with 37 points for head coach Pops Mensah-Bonsu. Mark's guy Chris Chiozza missed all seven of his three-point attempts, but the shortest guy on the floor grabbed 13 rebounds and added 10 assists. Former Kansas star Devonte' Graham had 31 for Greensboro, who overcame a 12-point deficit in the final 2:27 of regulation.

This isn't a game story. We don't do that here. But we need to celebrate the birth of the Go-Go somehow.

I got it:


  1. I can’t believe Devonte’ Graham didn’t make an NBA roster. But I guess the league is loaded w/ quality PGs.

  2. zson asked if Donald Trump Jr is like Barty Crouch Jr. I think the answer is yes, right?

  3. Charlito’s Cocina trufa seca salami is insanely good.

  4. I’m with TR on Graham. He’s an NBA player. He’ll be a good backup PG at some point.

  5. Can Colin Kaepernick possibly be worse than Nathan Peterman?

  6. Making these right now.
    Will let you know how they turn out, but come on, how can you fuck these up?
    Have spent the great majority of day on lanai on this cool, damp day smoking wings, these taters, while quietly getting a bit drunk and watching a ton of football. And since I have dinner completely covered, my wife is tickled. What did I do to deserve this?

  7. Another, if not THE reason to get an egg/smoker...helps you feel productive while doing the aforementioned.

  8. Watching Brees is a revelation after Osweiler/Darnold.

  9. Anyone hear Rex Ryan during pre game show?
    “Tariq Hill is faster than the gumbo that went through me last night.”
    Sam Ponder was taken back, slightly.

  10. I made wings on Friday and made enough to have them again today. Egg/Smoker is such a good investment. I also watched that video on the potatoes. Will be making those soon.

  11. I may have asked you FL cooking studs this question before, but what smokers do each of you have? I’ve been dancing around purchasing one for a while, and with a birthday coming up, it’s time for TR to take care of TR.

  12. I started with a Weber Bullet smoker. After 4-5 years I got an extra large Big Green egg last October. The Egg is pricey but it’s worth it. The Weber was good but in terms of temperature regulation and the ease of long cooks (brisket, pulled pork) the Egg is fantastic.

  13. Who are you kidding, TR takes care of TR 3-4 times a week.

  14. I’m all for a Rams-Saints NFC Championship game.

  15. Wow. XL Egg is $1100+. That’s a huevo costoso.

  16. TR, you can take the lazier way with a pellet smoker. And by lazier you don't have to continually tend to the fire like a egg. I have a rec-tec. Goofy looking as hell but solid smoker.

  17. Sounds like I have my work cut out for me, figuring out what I want.

    I wonder if Wreckx-n-Effect uses a rec-tec.

  18. I have a good friend who has a pellet smoker and he loves it.

  19. marls and i guided the wiz to a win. john wall helped.

  20. Smoker? I hardly know ‘er!

  21. another forty-something dude getting a smoker . . . don't you already own a microwave?

  22. TR - the egg does not require too much babysitting once you get the temp dialed in. You can leave it for hours and hours in fact, but one thing you can do w/the egg is grill with it and at very high temps - steaks, burgers, pizzas.

  23. What Dan said. My egg has replaced both my grill and smoker.

  24. TR, contrary to what you might hear, you can also sear on a pellet smoker at least mine you can. It can get up to 500 degrees and I use a sear kit, basically raised metal fins that concentrate the heat and sears the food just like a grill.

    Downsides of the pellet smoker; you have to plug it in. So no power, no cooking. And I order at least one 40lb bag of pellets per month at $35.69 a pop. Burn rate in the NE winter is about 1 lb per hour if you are cranking the heat up to 500 degrees. But if you are smoking (200-225 range) 3-4 lbs per hour. Summer, you can double those values.

    You can't go wrong with either option.

  25. Thanks all. I have a grill already that is new. Will have to figure this all out.

  26. With all this talk about it, you guys need to cook something for me.

  27. Also, today is National Doughnut Appreciate Day...

  28. So I’ll say it. The “hit man from a porno movie” joke from SNL is kinda funny. Totally tasteless, but funny.
