Sunday, September 09, 2018

Random Post

Happy Sunday everrrybody! Lots to be excited about and namely Jags/Giants. Jags coming in with unparalleled expectations for this largely suffering franchise. I'm going to go ahead and keep mine low if you don't mind.

It's been a nutty month or two here. Good stuff. Bad stuff. Lots of travel. Good travel. Work travel. Family travel combined with work travel. California - North Carolina - South Florida - California - Indiana - England. A couple of images here from the Indiana trip....South Bend. I think the most of you were up on the fact that I was heading there or there or had been there. If not, "now ya know".
A completely random run-in w/Coach Brey as we headed into the stadium. Very kind, gracious and must always be selling. As he walked away he chimed, "future point guard for us?"

It had been 10+ years since my last trip to South Bend and I think this was my 3rd or 4th ever. It was just about perfect, only the heat/humidity and especially long day made it less than, but not much. We walked so much of the campus he and I between cornhole & beers, non-alcoholic for him. I tried to keep things in check from a party standpoint - was on a pitch count if you will.

Completely non-chronological, early a.m....Decco wanted a haircut. Found an OOOLD School barbershop just off campus -Armondo's. The memorabilia was something to behold. As Armondo cut, I browsed. He noticed me paying attention to one of he and Ara when he offered, "I was the only one ever to cut Ara's hair....EVER!" I believed him.

Above is a pic of Buckles & Jean Pierre on the ground laughing at the fact that Declan dominated the big guy...knocking in aces while TW chucked up airbag after airbag. I guess you had to be there. Next slide please.
I thought it'd be cool but difficult to throw a pass to D with the golden dome in the background while catching a picture of it. Not hard at all if I'm being honest.

Just prior to kick-off.
The trip was simply phenomenal. I don't know what it is....surpassing middle age, learning of people my age or younger that become sick or worse, that my dad is pushing mid-80's and well, or the fact that I know Declan is appreciative b/c he tells me so, but throughout the day I'd get a little misty eyed as we roamed. And as they are w/the Jags, the expectations were low. For them to come out with the W - just awesome.

More to come later, including a pic of the brisket that I just took off the egg and placed wrapped in a cooler where it will sit until after the game. I'm glad I put it on last night - 11.5 hours on the button.  Fam and I heading to neighbor's, a Giants fan of all things. (Here's a pre-wrap pic...about 170 degrees) Keep it your pants guys!

Enjoy your football everybody!


  1. I don’t have “pants guys”.

  2. that’s a perfect post, danimal

  3. This is good stuff. zson and I go to an old school barber like that. There’s a crew of old guys who sit around bullshitting all day every day—they go even though they don’t need a haircut.

  4. I grew up hating on the Irish b/c they were so popular in the Irish Catholic area where I grew up. They still annoy me, but anybody who has ever been there tells me amazing things. A fried sent his daughter there. He told me how blown away he was on the tour, despite having seen a bunch of great schools already.

    Glad you and your boy had a great time. Helluva name for a bit, btw/

  5. And a helluva name for a boy, too.

  6. Lot of ND haters out there....all good. If you are one and ever have the chance to go, can almost guarantee you’ll be somewhere between hating them a lot less and not at all. There are few if any schools who treat opposing fans as well as they do both in and out of the stadium. Game day experience, service levels, cleanliness, the people, it reminds me of The Masters. As objectively as I can say so.

  7. TR, am guessing you have fewer instances of people pronouncing your boy’s name as dee-CLAN than we do down here.

  8. The brisket was excellent. Leftovers tomorrow.

    Go Jaguars.

  9. the djokovic/del potro award ceremony was terrific stuff. and it makes what happened last night after the ladies’ final that much more disappointing.

  10. My father-in-law called him Delcan for a month. That was touching. We’ve have had the hard “E” used as a pronunciation. Yet.

  11. That’s a great memory you created, Dan. I’m looking forward to taking my daughter to her first Gator game next week. I probably should’ve waited to buy tickets.

    Make tacos or sandwiches with the leftover brisket tomorrow. Both are great options for leftovers.

  12. Everybody bracing themselves for Florence?

    Of course, I’m probably the only gheorghie in the path...

  13. My older brother lives in Charleston. I'm sure he's ecstatic about the potential Cat 4 coming towards him.

  14. fairbank is in the path. i offered him a bed, but i should’ve offered him yours.

  15. Ah yes. Dave, stay safe and if you are scrambling to higher ground, give me a call. Of course, Norfolk is the second lowest city (to only NOLA), so we aren't really "higher ground," per se.

    The European model that people like to point to says it will land in Wilmington.

  16. Whitney loves the European model.

  17. I also like to point at European models. Is NJ the only state that gets a 4 day weekend one week into school for Rosh Hashanah? i needed the break after coaching soccer all weekend (first time i didn't coach my son ian in his life, he made a higher level club team and has freed himself from the town travel team and my authority, although he will still play for me when he can for middle school team. alex is up playing jv, so we have 4 different soccer schedules going this fall. no time to watch football, which makes my nfl protest rather easy to execute. we are flooded out here so ian's team is having a film session tonight. film for 13 year olds? ian is skipping it . . .

  18. Speaking of watching film for kid sports, I got an email from my 5th grader’s tackle football coach. He emailed us to tell us that he watched film and the kids did not block and tackle well in their first ever game, a less than scintillating 6-0 win in steady rain. The other team played out of the shotgun and botched 69% of their snaps. My son’s main contribution as a starting CB was getting held on a run play by the other team and selling it enough to get the refs to throw a flag. He had one rush attempt on a 4th and 1 Play and got blown up b/c the O-line decided not to block anybody. Curious choice by the coach, considering he is not a power back by any definition.

  19. We’re staying on Peninsula but bracing for what this storm does...expect likely power outages for good while.... Schools out tomorrow, and I bet rest of week. Because of mandatory evac order. Church I serve in major low-lying area in Hampton and likely will flood, but not much to do about it, so we will just see what happens. Y’all stay safe!

  20. Hey-fun local sports news...Warwick High (of notorious Michael Vick fame) beat Hampton High in football last Friday night. First time since 1965!! Oldest son goes to Warwick. Plays in band, and we witnessed the history.

  21. Today is a Tuesday, just like 9/11/01. But it’s not a crystal blue sky like that day. I worked downtown from ‘97 to early ‘03, then happily moved to midtown. Fate brought me a new job downtown. Will be my first 9/11 in the area since ‘02. Not too psyched to be here, staring out my window at my old work bldg, the one I evacuated that day.

    Not sure anybody under 30 around these parts really gets it, and there’s a lot of them here b/c the Financial District is morphing into more of a residential neighborhood. Newspapers make the anniversary less of a big deal every year. Hoping to bury myself in work all day.

  22. drove by the Pentagon on my way into work this morning, immediately giving me goosebumps and invoking the feeling I had driving home late morning 17 years ago on a completely empty highway, stopping on the road to stare at the smoldering side of the building where that flag hangs today
