Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Transition Filler

Jason Isbell doesn't smoke weed any more, but he used to, so this kinda fits with the week's theme. He even alludes to his past in this song.

I went down an Isbell rabbit hole this weekend over a couple of adult beverages. For my money, the dude's the best songwriter going.

So enjoy 'Cover Me Up', which might be the second-best love song Isbell's ever written.


  1. Ghostface can turn a phrase too but I won't argue with you, Isbell's a fantastic lyricist. I just need to see "Outfit" live once.

  2. i've got something for you, z.

    i've had a full beard since early november. your definition of 'full' and mine may vary - it wasn't mark-esque, but my entire mug was evenly covered. i shaved it this morning.

    most of it, anyway.

    i missed a 'spot' along my jawline - if you define 'spot' as about the size of a dime. so i look a little like a werewolf in the early stages of transition, where the change is beginning from my lower left jaw. it's a strong look.

  3. I left an interview in midtown today and a bird shat on me. Unloaded is a better word. I felt it on my head and saw it on my blazer jacket, shirt and fingers.

    People like to say that’s good luck. I think they say that b/c the only other response is “you suck at life.”

  4. Rob, did your Isbell rabbit hole take you back to his Drive-By Truckers songs?

    If not, check out the aZmentioned "Outfit" first, plus:

    GD Lonely Love
    Easy on Yourself
    The Day John Henry Died

    and Decoration Day, which we saw him play in Richmond

  5. This song is tremendous. I don't have an urge to listen to straight singer/songwriter stuff much these days, but this is very good stuff.
