Monday, April 09, 2018

Jose I Lost My Ball!

Yessir! Should you have the time, patience, and inclination, one may be able to find the image below on the tellie, perhaps YouTube. Haven't looked yet b/c...I have none of the above.

The man that looks as if he's attempting to place an extremity in his mouth, is one Buckles, and though he probably wishes he could perform such an act, he is actually looking under his chair. Why? To see the ball that Justin Thomas just placed there with a slightly errant shot. The person to his left with white cap would be yours.

Seven Green, Friday afternoon, Augusta, GA. No fun was had btw.


  1. worst/best caption contest ever

  2. Let me count again. One, two, three balls. Oh Shit, is there a doctor in the house.

  3. My 3rd grade son just finished his homework. Write 10 sentences with 10 of your spelling words. His sentence for hello: "Hello darkness my old friend."

    Guessing we'll find out tomorrow if his teacher likes S&G and/or has a sense of humor.

  4. Hello, is it me you're looking for?

  5. Tough day for Michael Cohen's clients, tough day.

  6. i wish my 7th and 8th grade sons knew some simon and garfunkel lyrics.

  7. From S&G to P!nk. Which is where l am with the wife. Would be better if I didn't have a 6am flight.

  8. What's more surprising, that Squeaky is at a P!nk show, or that he knew to use the funky punctuation in her name?

  9. Don't sleep on Neil Diamond, "hello, my friend hello."
    Or "hello, I love you." "Or hello, hello, hello, is there anybody in there?"

  10. the squeak is a remaissance man, whit. don't doubt his musical multitudes.

  11. Helloooooo Brooklyyyyyyyyn!

  12. Andre Doc in 24 hours. I could not be more excited about this.

  13. I am sipping my second Whistlepig Rye. Somebody (Zman?) recommended it. Have to say I am underwhelmed (almost whelmed, but not really).

  14. i believe you may be doing it wrong

  15. I recommended Pinhook Rye. I've had Whistlepig and enjoyed it.

  16. Dude on MSNBC said the FBI came in and kicked in the door wavin the four four, later said "it's a biggie" with respect to the pickle Michael Cohen's in.

  17. Well, if it’s MSNBC, it’s certainly impartial.

  18. What are the prequalifications to become a member of the "Taint Team"?

  19. Sorry, I guess I should've connected the dots more completely. "Kick In The Door" is a song by The Notorious B.I.G., who also went by Biggie Smalls or sometimes just Biggie. The chorus to the song is "Kick in the door, waving the four four, all you heard was Poppa don't hit me no more." So the guy on MSNBC was trying to be subversively funny when he said the FBI kicked in the door waving the four four, and he made this more explicit with the Biggie reference. No one on "The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell" seemed to get the joke either.

  20. I, too, am psyched for the Andre the Giant documentary. I'm also psyched for this (obviously I sent this separately to TJ this morning):

  21. Statham finally gonna win that Oscar

  22. I just finished up a podcast about the Andre doc and am even more excited than I was before listening.

  23. Wife loves P!nk. It was a really good show. She is an amazing performer. I have two videos to make a post around which won't happen until after the Boston marathon. But I'll commit to creating the filler for a future post.

  24. Ditto what Mark said about Andre pod.

  25. 1981 DeLorean DMC-12 for $11k on BaT.

  26. Shit got a little scary at my house last night. My daughter seemed to be recovering from the stomach bug that hit her on Sunday night. Then her fever spiked significantly near bedtime. We got it down but she was still not in great shape. Then she had a really scary/incoherent multi episode run of what were basically semi conscious night terrors.

    She’s ok today and passed a second MD appt with positive reviews and even has most of her personality back today but it scared the shit out of me and my wife.

  27. Someone painted the Delorean and that will help keep the value down. Only 18 hours left!

  28. Mark, glad it wasn't more serious. Nothing scarier to us parents than crap like that.

  29. It was pretty fucked up. It was hard to tell how conscious she was but she was clearly not of her full faculties while also pretty scared. Her inability to verbalize what was going on or comprehend questions we asked was pretty frightening in the moment.

  30. Wow Mark, glad to hear she is doing better. That feeling of being helpless for your kids is awful.
