Monday, March 12, 2018

NCAA Tournament Open Post

Throwing it back to the days when we celebrated March Madness with Peeps. And not the Peeps Oreo kind.

Since nobody cares about your tournament pool, or mine, here's our one-time-only open thread for talking about our picks.

For what it's worth, Virginia, Michigan, Duke, and Villanova are heading to San Antonio, and UVA is winning it all. Which will make those preppy fuckers even more insufferable.


  1. As opposed to all the cool laid-back punk rock kids at W&M.

  2. our superior intellects are what make us insufferable

  3. Cool laid-back punk rock kids at W&M = AWAMP

  4. squeaky’s making up band names again

  5. Atypical William And Mary Person. Our office has a lot of TWAMPs (Typical William and Mary Person, aka someone who sends all their time at Swem) according to all the fresh out of college, W&M, kids that work for us.

  6. Wish there had been more TRAMPS at W&M.

  7. found out at 11 that i’d been drinking decaf coffee all morning. i’m fucking exhausted.

  8. We secretly replaced Rob’s ordinary coffee with decaffenated Folgers Crystals. Let’s see if he notices...

  9. why the fuck do they even make decaf coffee? it’s even less useful than non-alcoholic beer.

  10. Look, I'm a little slow today. I just switched to Sanka, so have a heart.

  11. That's like the time TR thought he grabbed his Preparation H when he actually had his Nair.

  12. I heard Cypress Hill’s Ain’t Going Out Like That on Backspin y/day. Song is 25 y/o. After hearing that, I downloaded the original Cypress Hill album (thanks to Apple Music) and gave it some run in my car.

  13. That album holds up, or at least my affection for it holds up.

  14. watching me a bit of orf rock. Umm...have you and Penny ever made out? Just curious.

  15. me and penny? i’ll never tell.

  16. Penny Benjamin?

    And you,’re lucky to even be here.

  17. Up to two feet of snow in the last week. This is...suboptimal.

    I think Ellen Pompeo will be in over her head as Secretary of State.

  18. Danimal, what happens in the WODU studio stays in the WODU studio. Well, except for the stuff on camera that's broadcast around the globe. Penny Baker and Les Coole are just friends.

    On a semi-related note, last weekend at a brewery, a woman I know just a little from my extended circle of friends told me she would be up for some "recreational sex" sometime if I'm game. So... there's... that...

  19. What is “recreational sex”? Is that sex for fun vs. some other purpose? Is that code for I’m open to fucking but I don’t want to have your baby? So random Wednesday afternoon copulation is available but if you were the last people on the planet she would not assist you in furthering the human race? What sex other than non-consensual and maybe a scheduled encounter when trying to conceive, is not recreational? Inquiring minds want to know...

  20. I think it means I won't have to pay.

  21. That is “amateur” sex vs. “professional” sex. This lady needs to work on her sexcabulary.

  22. i think she wants to have sex in a gymnasium or playground. not necessarily with whitney.

  23. good stuff. glad I asked the question.

    Is O.J. still breathing?

  24. Well, when my current lady friend invariably kicks me to the curb, I’ll get some answers for you guys.

  25. ...not about whether OJ is still breathing. That’s TJ’s department.

  26. Whitney, what was your response to the woman's stated desire? Do tell, please.

  27. I believe recreational sex occurs outside the framework of a traditional romantic relationship. See, e.g., booty calls.

  28. The news of Mack’s death really bummed me out this morning. Flava in ya ear is one of my all time favorite song/videos combinations from my high school years. Speaking of that same time, I thoroughly endorse the first Cypress Hill album as well.

    Recreational sex occurs at your local recreation department. You have to sign up beforehand and pay the city a fee. It’s like signing your kid up for summer camp. Except the counselors are middle aged with with loose morals.

  29. i believe in a recreational activity, there are no cuts. everyone makes the team.

    even whitney.

  30. Danimal, after I stopped laughing and the redness had subsided from my face, I said thanks, that's good to know for lonely nights. She's a shapely divorced mother of three who said she simply gets bitter when she doesn't get laid and she likes the cut of my jib. Clearly wants no part of my romantic life (currently being pitched as a mash-up of Titanic and Groundhog Day), but she said she'd be happy to get a piece of the Whitdog, and I rather appreciate these rare compliments.

  31. wait, so all you have to do is say you get bitter when you don't get laid and good things happen? man, i wish i knew that in college.

  32. You had to be otherwise not bitter. Not sure you fit the bill.

  33. my company is offering active shooter training in our d.c. office. unclear at this point whether it's a self-defense or a how-to sorta thing.

    fuck you very much, wayne lapierre. may you burn in the hell you so richly deserve.

  34. Rob is trying out the bitter thing at work.

  35. In my first job out of college my boss told me I had to go to sexual harassment training and I said "Nah, I know all about sexual harassment, I was in a frat" and he looked at me and said "This isn't how-to training."

  36. Thanks for sharing Whit. This was the best nugget of my day.
    Anyone else been hit on lately by someone other than your spouse or significant other? Inquiring minds want to know.

  37. I don't know about the NJ/NY area Gheorghies but we got another 20 inches of snow today. Really miss the days when you could just day drink all day during a big snow storm. Getting old, responsibility yadda yadda ...

    When is the Les Coole reality show coming to TruTv?
