Sunday, August 27, 2017

White Supremacy

I love each of you equally, and for different reasons. For example, I love Teejay for his utter lack of self-consciousness in service of making people smile. Our fucked up world need more of this kind of white people.


  1. In bed at 1030, up at 630, motivated to hit the local gym and start a healthy vacation. I get a coffee and drive to the gym, only to find out it opens at 9 on Sunday. A 100% avoidable issue if I remembered to surf the web beforehand for w/e hours. It's times like this that I remember I'm part Polish.

  2. You can tell that's Teedge based on the head-size-to-shoulder-width ration.

  3. Wipe those shoulders off your shoulders

  4. hi gheorghies. back from vacation, i've got the soccer registration blues. my team is incompetent and we're using a new platform. sorry i missed a godfathers post. music wise, i'm listening to the new war on drugs. i like it but warning: it sounds a bit more like don henley than the rest of their stuff.

  5. I forgot that album dropped. Nice.

  6. mr kq's boy willie is tougher than all of you:

  7. All wicked impressive, especially the Leadville 100 mountain bike. That is a big-boy with all extremities race. Amazing.

  8. Ha-yoooonicorn day here at GTB.
    Pretty depressing days here between Houston/Trump/Trump & Trump - for fear of bringing the SS to our door...I won't convey the fact that it'd be entirely okay if, well....never mind. That's not very Christian like of me. Apologies, God.

  9. I don't know Rob, didn't you crush a tough mudder? Kidding aside, the dude is unreal, heading to Nats game with his brother tonight. The brother who witnessed the accident and drove him from Watergate bldg to GW Hosp in the back of his pickup truck. Naturally we'll drink beers and text Willie to tell him what a pussy he is.

  10. i said 'all of you', ken. didn't include myself in that number, as i am a two-time spartan. seems pretty much the same as leadville.

  11. Ah, Leadville. Dave and I dwell there sometimes.
