Sunday, August 13, 2017

Sweet and Goofy Hooligan

I'm in a dark fucking mood, people of the House Gheorghe (someone needs to work on a sigil). I've got post ideas ranging from rage to gobsmacked amazement to anger-whimsy (I think you'll like that one). And I've got an 8-hour drive from South Carolina to Virginia tomorrow during which to stew in the juices of my current bewildered incoherence at the state of my nation.

So goddamn do I need something goofy and sweet, or otherwise affirming the fact that life is too short to take too many things too seriously.

Kermit's always good for what ails ya.

Here's hoping we'll find it.


  1. Is House of Gheorghe pledged to House Lannister? Can we be pledged to Hot Pie?

  2. a gheorghie often pays his debts

  3. isn't kermit some kind of white power symbol? and debbie harry looks positively aryan there . . .

  4. that's pepe. whole different frog.

  5. I thought the sigil was a giant man with a pug, bracketed by a pair of 69s. No?

    Speaking of nonsense, if you rewatch Fire Walk With Me everything starts to make sense, assuming you're all caught up on season 3.

  6. I'm coping by sticking my head in the sand this weekend--avoiding news channels, Sunday shows and Twitter.
    Watching lots of Hallmark Channel movies and Little League World Series
    And I want to call everyone's attention to this new show on Viceland.

  7. I saw the trailer for that show last night, Shlara. I'm so in. Speaking of basketball media, if you like basketball you should definitely follow the Drew League account in Twitter and Instagram.

  8. I read Breitbart to see how the other side thinks. They have an article where alt-right protesters are blaming the police for the riot. Apparently the police didn't keep the leftists far enough away from the alt-right and didn't protect the alt-right when the leftists attacked them. So the white supremacists think the Charlottesville police sided with the BLack Lives Matter folks. Interesting.

  9. there's a confederate memorial on the grounds of the courthouse in my town. there's been no indication that anyone seeks to remove it. nonetheless, there's apparently going to be a protest in september by a 'pro-history' group that would like it to stay in place. looks like i might get to experience one of these shitshows in person.

  10. one of the morals here is stay away from all these protests. my wife and i wandered into one in philly with the same dynamic and hung around for the spectacle, not thinking some lunatic might run us over.

  11. "Racism is Evil" out one side of the mouth and I think I'll pardon Sheriff Arpaio out the other side, all with 12 hours of each other. I feel sorry for us as a nation but those ex-military folks trying to corral him everyday must be going crazy. Waiting for the code red meltdown.

  12. There was a pro-Trump rally in Seaside, NJ last winter (yes, THAT Seaside from Jersey Shore). It was 15 miles from where I grew up. That area and the area to the south has a rednecky vibe. When I read that it happened, I was sad I missed it b/c I wanted to punch the shit out of most of those people. If those folks want to foment violence, I'm happy to bring it to them. It's a suboptimal response, given: 1) I have children, 2) I am the breadwinner in my family, and 3) they tend to like guns, but I'm ready to let it rip on these asshats.

  13. I'm the biggest pacifist in the group but these scumbags bring whatever violence exists in me to the surface. I watched in-depth video of the C'ville stuff on VICE news on HBO. Probably shouldn't have. Cantwell deserves the horrible end he may suffer. I want to see him bleed.

  14. It appears that we are on the brink of a nuclear war with North Korea and the potential beginnings of a civil war at home. At what point does everyone say "It's time for President Pence?"

  15. Yesterday.

    Received a pic from VA State Trooper pal, who a couple of you know. He's relatively high up in the ranks but I guess it was all boots on ground for the C-ville fiasco. Pic is right in the middle of it, pure melee, surrounding a bunch of the aggressive hitler youth...he said it was "fun".

  16. "I'm the biggest pacifist in the group." Oh really?

    I heard Rob say HE was the biggest pacifist in the group. So them there are fightin' words.

  17. Billy club justice on Hitler youth. I like that, Danimal.

    I just saw the footage of the Klan folks marching w/ tiki torches Friday night. CNN ran footage Vice filmed of them marching. It was pretty terrifying. I did not realize it was such a huge turnout. I was off-line at my kid's camp all w/e, and then traveling.

    In the heights of the Escobar era in Colombia, the only thing that began stopping him was an undercover group of militant civilians (possibly backed by the US) who decided to fight fire with fire and began assassinating folks close to Escobar that orchestrated the narco-terrorism endorsed by Escobar. I fear we're going to need some folks taking it to the KKK in an old-school violent way.

  18. In my hotel room at a work conference. CNN is leading with the latest Trump insanity (justifiably so). Fox News has three vapid smokeshows talking about Steve Bannon. Zero mention of Trump's comments today. That's about right.

  19. Meanwhile, my neighbor's father is in town along with his F-250 bearing "NRA," "Never Hillary" and "TRUMP" stickers.

  20. what is the latest trump insanity? do i have to google it?

  21. if you google "trump's latest insanity" you get a very interesting al jazeera opinion piece

  22. ok, he's catering to his base. i love that he plugged his winery.


    Somewhat of a hectic morning and off to the Sea Island GA area today...the clip above may be worthy of filler post. This could get a little traction outside of Jax - Surfer the Bar is a venue right down the street from office (which you'll see in the background on this clip). This guy is a bad ass. Jags should sign him up for the OL. Cops went a little overboard. To say the least.

  24. My kid started kindergarten yesterday. I didn't cry but was definitely more emotional than I expected to be. Aging has had that effect on me.

  25. Surprisingly pasty reporters in Jacksonville.

  26. I hear Sea Isle is the shit, and that going there makes one not want to go back to Hilton Head. Gonna have to get there at some point.

  27. mark - got your email. working on a response.
