Thursday, August 17, 2017

Juuuust A Bit Outside!

Thursday Filler....


  1. My beer care package from Squeaky arrived in the mail yesterday. I'm getting free beer from someone I've never met. G:TB is awesome.

  2. squeak sent me a similar package earlier in the summer. fannntastic.

  3. As my 9 y/o likes to say, "right in the nut sack!"

  4. my 13 year-old announced her retirement from competitive gymnastics this week (you might've seen the press release) in order to focus on her new passion...competitive cheerleading. from a dadding perspective, this is suboptimal. i'll manage somehow.

  5. I won't tell Vicky you said that

  6. I'm not sure this video is a nut shot. Kind of looks like it hits the fellow around the beltline. Anyway you slice it, it's very funny, however.

  7. Mark, hope you enjoy the beers.

  8. Made the offhand comment today that the dickbag-in-chief would quickly find a way to embarrass himself with a comment about the latest shitty incident in a spate of shitty incidents (Spain this time). Old Faithful came through. The expression "he could fuck up a wet dream" comes nowhere close to the level of ineptitude we have in the most powerful office on the planet.

    Other than tiny dictator of GTB, natch.

  9. Red Sox ownership wants to rename Yawkey Way, which is the road in front of the stadium, because it's named after a past racist owner of the team. Should be an interesting discussion amongst lifelong fans after everyone up here was 100% for removing confederated statues.

  10. It's only been Yawkey Way since 1977. A lot has happened in Sox lore since then, but 40 years is a fraction of the "tradition" of some of the Confederate icons.

    It's an interesting discussion with some lofty principles at play which will surely be debated by the most lowbrow of participants.

  11. And they want to name it after David Ortiz instead. Which I guess is fine, although it seems a bit too soon. Red Sox Avenue seems like a safe name for now.

  12. I had no idea that the US Capitol houses statutes of Confederate leaders. Everyone understands that these men were leaders of another country, not the United States of America, right? Everyone understands that these men organized an army against our country and killed hundreds of thousands of US citizens, right? Why should we honor them in the Capitol? Or anywhere, really?

  13. tom yawkey was a virulent racist, to the point where he set the franchise back decades by refusing to sign black or latin players until the late 50s. he wouldn't sign willie fucking mays. good on john henry for acknowledging that reality. they should name the street pumpsie green way after the sox' first black player.

  14. That's the puzzling part of this. Because of what amounts to pervasive, post-war revisionist history, the treason of the secession and the horribleness of war to preserve slavery is nearly lost entirely.

    I thought this was a good article on the myth of Robert E. Lee.

  15. or cowboy up street to honor that 2004 team. millar would never shut up about it. of course, millar never shuts up already.
