Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Bubble Football With Bulls

This looks like fun.....


  1. Does everyone else's children start about every sentence with "Wait" and then pepper in "Like" every 6-7 words? How do I get them to stop absent physical beatings?

  2. zson starts most sentences with "Actually" and concludes them with "it's true."

  3. I'm gonna avoid talk of that no-talent assclown on this day when a wingnut of a different flavor committed horribleness up near some of you guys. Peace be with you all.

  4. A mile from the house. I wake up in Syracuse and sit down to eat the lovely free breakfast to this on the tv.

  5. I don't want to get preachy or political about this tragedy, but when you read some of the quotes from the Congressmen and Senators you can't help but wonder if this will change their views about assault rifles or the power of "a good guy with a gun."


  6. This era of politics has drained the optimism from my view like pus from a lanced boil. Somehow our politicians on each side will indubitably manage to use this incident -- like every piece of "news," from university studies on Jesus's preternatural affinity for guns to the measurements of Punxsutawney Phil's movements -- to confirm what they already know to be the one true way to live, thrive and survive in 2017 America. Blah blah blah.

    These violent incidents, stacking up like Jenga tiles, instill in me fear for my own, utter dread, and hopelessness. Rage has withered away; it's just resignation and, as the Avetts sing, true sadness. Sorry, Rootsy.

    It's like a jungle sometimes, it makes me wonder how I keep from goin' under.

  7. Quote your Avett lyrics, Whit. While I don't like them, they do seem genuinely sad.

    A few months ago I was on the way back from a bachelor party weekend in Charleston, and as the least hungover I volunteered to drive a friend's Land Rover back. He pulled up spotify or some other such bullshit streaming service and we heard LOTS of Avett Bros until his phone mercifully died. I gave him my phone to pick something from my music (Rootsy don't stream). He picked Camper Van Beethoven "Key Lime Pie". That album never sounded so good. He confessed that he didn't remember the last time he'd listened to an entire album from to back. Which means he's doing it wrong!

  8. I buy albums almost exclusively and I would be stunned if you didn't do the same rootsy. I don't stream either. Although I have mad flow.

  9. Dave bought that Camper van CD and we listened to it straight through countless times in his and Rob's room (305, Unit M) in 1989-90. So damn good. I need to dust it off.

  10. I buy albums and then burn multiple albums to a data cd. Then I listen to them in my car while driving. I also attend PA (Playlist Anonymous) as I can't seem to make playlists with any regularity. My running playlist is from 2015. Very weak on my part.

  11. So we haven't said Happy Flag Day yet.

    Listen to this.

  12. kind of a downer, that song

  13. I wish think piece writers would stop using the word narrative when they mean to say story.

  14. I still buy albums, or extract ancient rare 78rpm recordings from podcasts. Recent discoveries include Hezekiah Jenkins' "The Panic is On" from 1930 or Hambone Willie Newbern's "She Could Toodle-oo". A couple of gems.

    I did burn all of the CVB albums to a data CD for my friend with a homework assignment to listen to an album front to back once a month.

  15. Did you include a PDF of the liner notes? I miss liner notes.

  16. No liner notes, but I did make a track sheet and divide it up so he can tell which album is which, and when it came out.

    This guy is a renowned chef at one of the best restaurants in our are. I ate lunch there last week and he comped my meal. My small act of musical kindness was repaid with a jar of pickled veggies and a truly amazing burger.
