Thursday, March 30, 2017

NBA Potpourri - Math Nerd Edition

We're approaching the end of the NBA's regular season. This has been a fun one, with the three-pointers, the triple-doubles, the heated MVP race and the meshing of the Bay Area's superstar team. But we're seeing some twists toward the end of the regular season, as injuries have impacted several contenders and tightened races for home-court advantage. Let's dig in, shall we?

1) Russell the Love Muscle's Triple-Double Chase - It's in the Bag
After his latest ridiculous stat-line last night, Russell is averaging 31.8 ppg, 10.6 rpg and 10.4 apg this season. So the triple-double stat line is well within reach. Through 74 games, Russell Westbrook has 769 assists. That's a 10.4 per game clip. To ensure a triple-double, he needs 51 more in his last eight games, or 6.4 per game. So it's possible he clinches this portion of the feat in the next 4-5 games. He has 781 rebounds so far this season. At 10.6 per game, he only needs 39  more in his last eight games, a 4.9 per game clip.

2) The Eastern Conference Race for the #1 Seed is Wide Open
The Cavaliers are first right now, with 26 losses from their 73 games played. The Celtics are second, with 27 losses and 75 games played. The surprising Wizards are in the mix as well, with 28 losses and 74 games played. With the Cavs "reeling" (5-5 in their last ten games), both other teams have a legitimate shot. The real upshot of the #1 seed (other than home-court) is that you theoretically can play Toronto in the second round and avoid one of the other two. Methinks the Cavs pull this out, but will be fun to watch in the next three weeks.

3) The Western Conference Race - Also Wide Open
At press time, it is halftime of the Warriors-Spurs game, and the Spurs are leading by three at home. Going into the game, the Warriors had a 60-14 record and the Spurs had a 57-16 record. A Spurs win tonight would put them 1.5 games back, but only one back in the loss column. I think the Spurs get it done this year. Coach Pop has to be aware of the psychological significance of taking homecourt advantage, especially since the Spurs won the first two head-to-head match-ups this year, and are now leading in the third. I think the crew in San Antone gets it done and takes the #1 seed.

4) Back to the Thunder - is Big Russ the MVP? 
Today, my vote goes to Harden, given the Rockets' strong season (especially relative to the Thunder) and the comparability of his stat line (29/11/8) to Westbrook's (32/10/10). I am not a sucker for the "all in double-digits" pizzazz. But we still have about 10% of the regular season to go, so I have time to change. And the middle of the pack is pretty tight. The 4-6 seeds (Jazz, Clippers, Thunder) are separated by only two games in the loss column. Getting to the #4 seed would mean a team is only one spot behind the Rockets. So if Russ can lift his team higher (the #5 seed seems inevitable, given the Clippers find a way to suck balls at the end of every regular season), the MVP race could get tighter.

Happy viewing, fockers.


  1. I pretty much nailed that Spurs-Warriors call.

  2. Is it sad that I knew I'd hear "Sha na na na na na na na, Sha na na na na" when I clicked on the link?

  3. the 'john' character in shit town is too good to be true. like a redneck ignatius reilly.

  4. I'll take the Warriors as the #1 seed out West. Though I have the benefit of knowing last night's result. I'll also take Harden for MVP. Not only because of team success but also efficiency. What Westbrook is doing is historic and amazing but he's also allowed to do (which often means shoot) whenever and however he wants. Harden orchestrates everything for a powerhouse Rockets offense. Also, Harden gets trashed for his D (it's gotten better) but Westbrook is a fucking space cadet on that end in his own right.

    I want the East to be exciting but even if the Cavs don't get the 1 seed I still think they're a level above the other three teams in the top 4. Their terrible defense is troubling but it feels like something they'll correct come playoff time. Don't sleep on Toronto amongst the other three "contenders". A healthy Lowry changes everything for them.

    In other basketball news, my team needed to win our last regular season game by 4 or more points last night to secure the 1 seed in the playoffs. We won. By 4.

  5. What do you think NBA potpourri smells like?

  6. Mike Pence + his wife seem to have the same household rules that the NBA's Jackie + Doug Christie do

  7. Don't eff with Mrs. Pence, she can throw.

  8. Does Pence's wife make him renew their vows every anniversary though?

  9. john b just gets better and better. i don't like that they released all seven at once, however-- it's shitfuck at work, some people have already finished, some folks just started, and i'm in the middle. bitcoin!

  10. I wish TJ Leaf was staying at UCLA one more year. I love his game. He could've dominated next year's team. But if he's a sure-fire 1st rounder, it's hard to turn down the money. It would have been interesting to see how he did w/o Ball distributing to him.

  11. I'm a TJ Leaf fan as well. He was trying to dunk everything on Kentucky early on. Also agree it would've been interesting to see the offense run though him next year. He's definitely a first round pick though.

  12. More needs to be said about that Kawhi Leonard haircut/topiary photo.

  13. Because it doesn't look like Kawhi?

  14. i'm letting my kid see vince staples at the 9:30 club tonight without adult supervision. i'm either the worst parent ever or the best.

  15. I believe it's "what are vince staples"

  16. i just want to vent here because i can. i've been emailing for the past two hours, managing my son's stupid travel team. every game is getting canceled, i screwed up and didn't notice that we're going to be on spring break for a game, i'm scheduling games when we have bar mitzvahs, the scheduling lady is going to kill me-- i've sent her seventeen emails. i've printed out a calendar and i'm writing shit on it. this is not how i want to spend friday night! i should get a medal of honor for this shit.

  17. You're writing on a calendar?!?! The horrors.

  18. evenin', gheorgies. more cowbell.

  19. i was a few beers in last night when i started writing on a calendar. in retrospect, it probably wasn't as bad as i made it out to be.

  20. of interest to clarence:

  21. I was asleep by 945 PM last night. Was glorious.

  22. Vince Staples is fucking great. Not only a dope rapper but one of the few things that was actually entertaining about Simmons' short lived HBO show. I strongly encourage you to check out tracks like "65 Hunnid Degrees", "Jump Off the Roof" & "Norf Norf".

    You're good Dad, Rob. For tonight at least.

  23. That Mike Love article is amazing. And infuriating. Makes me want to re-read the douches post. And also build a time travel machine and go back to 1983 and save Dennis Wilson and drown Mike Love.

  24. Mike Love, Daniel Snyder, and Donald Trump. They should form a band. The Raging Insecurities.

  25. Rob

  26. And my daughters saw the Flaming Lips last night.

  27. that wren thing is obviously a joke. there's no way kids at w&m would have a rave.
