Monday, January 30, 2017

Land of Confusion

I spent the better part of yesterday coaching soccer and ranting impotently against the various ways the Trump Administration is obviously subverting our national interests and character. (Not at the same time - that might get me in trouble with my soccer club.) For the record, I will be beating the 'Bannon's the real power' horse until that nag is dead, reincarnated, and dead multiple times, so you might want to unsubscribe if that particular issue isn't dipshittery enough for you. When they come for me, please tell my family I loved them very much, and to make sure the Nazis know that the little one has blond hair and blue eyes.

In the midst of my rage-tweeting, I used 'puppet' to describe the President*, and it triggered a thirty-year old memory. The late, great British satirical puppet serial 'Spitting Image' ran from 1984 to 1996, and pulled zero punches. Most Americans remember it from the role it played in Genesis' 'Land of Confusion' video in 1986.

We're gonna need more than a puppet show to tell truth to power over the next four years, especially after the Gestapbros have Alec Baldwin killed, but we'd do far worst than to have the creators of 'Spitting Image' rev up the righteous anger machine once more for bad times' sake.


  1. NYT: Trump says ‘all is going well’ on immigration order amid questions and confusion

    Reminiscent of this...

  2. "Invisible Touch" was the first clear cassette I ever owned. It seemed like a big deal at the time.

  3. Collins and protest worlds colliding:

  4. You guys do know that today is Phil Collins' 66th birthday, correct?

    You would know it if you had listened to ORF Rock tonight.

  5. i was solving the world's problems with our man buck over a few manhattans.

    and i'm sure y'all saw our tribe drop 108 on drexel tonite.

  6. Phil Collins' coolest moment ever?

    Lightning round. Answer quickly.

  7. I've had this song in my head all day
    thanks Rob

  8. When he shaved off that receding mullet?

  9. Playing both London and Philly Live Aid shows on the same day...or his role on the Miami Vice soundtrack.

  10. Danimal's earlier comment about Ted Cruz was accurate--I'd trade Lyin Ted for Trumpty Trump in a heartbeat at this point.

  11. Marls wins. Live Aid, the one day when Phil Collins was super cool and Prince was a loser.

  12. Phil's greatest accomplishment was making Lily Collins. #smokeshow

  13. He can also make a mean Tom Collins.

  14. ain't gonna make a damn difference

  15. According to today's NYT, "Republicans expressed dismay at the delay [on votes for Mnuchin and Price]. 'I think this is a completely unprecedented level of obstruction,' said Senator Patrick J. Toomey, Republican from Pennsylvania." Merrick Garland was not available for comment.

  16. DJ Trump bade both Pryor and Gorsuch to come to DC for tonight's big SCOTUS reveal. Will the candidate be selected via some Con Law quiz; "The Apprentice" style final task; fisticuffs; a spelling bee; pecker-measuring contest? Or will Trump nominate both of them in some court packing attempt? Anything really could happen. Must-see TV y'all!

  17. No, it's Hardiman not Pryor!

  18. Rob--did you see that your girl Elena Delle Donne signed with the Mystics?

  19. Gorsuch invoked Justice Jackson so at least we have a little hope.

  20. What about Jermaine Jackson?

  21. Lying Ted remains a sniveling little shit.

  22. phil collins's greatest moment is when he played the drum solo for "in the air tonight." his second greatest moment is when mike tyson plays air drums to this solo.
