Monday, October 03, 2016

This Is a Big Fucking Deal

Godspeed, Bob Bradley.


  1. wow. big news. who woulda guessed?

  2. October 3, 1995: O.J. Simpson is found not guilty of murder

  3. October 3, 1951: Dave Winfield is born

  4. got retweeted by men in blazers this morning and my timeline is blowing up.

  5. nail-biting nervous? i question your manhood.

  6. Hey, Dave, nice sentence today

  7. possibly hyperbolic, dave. dickface.

  8. Also October 3, 1951: Bobby Thomson hits "the shot heard 'round the world"

  9. October 3, 1778: Captain James Cook anchors in Alaska.

  10. Yahoo Fantasy NBA League:

  11. i'm going to win a fantasy football game! unless the vikings d scores 37 points . . .

  12. i'll be biting my nails tonight.

  13. rob will be biting a pillow.

  14. I was wondering how Work Dave had time for fantasy football and homophobic comments but then I realized that he must be off for the Jewish holidays. Happy new year, Dave.

  15. Yeah, it's a tough grind for us NYC-area Gentiles. Roshashanah this week and the Kippur next week mean days off for some.

  16. Could we have kippers for breakfast?

    Mummy dear, mummy dear?

    Haven't spun much Supertramp lately.

  17. no school today and tomorrow!

    instead of biting my nails , i installed a remote control ceiling fan (no grounding wire) in my son's room. all man.

  18. and i made chili. i am a stud.

  19. He needs a fan??? He's growing up soft like you. I bite my nails for his future.

  20. Also, ORF Rock radio tonight. 7pm

    Make that more like 7:10 or 7:15
    YouTube search "ORF Rock"

  21. i guess i should explain why i'm nervous. if bradley succeeds, all kinds of doors open up for american coaches across europe and the world, which will open doors for american players and speed our development as a serious soccer nation. if bradley fails at swansea, that sets american soccer back a decade. and if american soccer is set back a decade, that means little ian pellicane won't make it as a european professional. and if little ian pellicane doesn't make it as a european professional, that increases the chances that he winds up just like his dad. i think I'm justifiably nervous.

  22. so you're biting your nails for all the children? that's very noble.

  23. This reminds me of watching Jeopardy in the Sweet Suite in 1989 and having to hear you two nerds bitch at each other over who said the answer first.

  24. People around my parts are already freaking out about the Hurricane possibilities. It's like they all just moved to Florida. I remained relatively unmoved.

  25. but what about clowns? are they freaking out about clowns?

  26. Mark, this one could be a doozy.

    Then again, you could just get a little rain. They don't know.

    They're also freaking out here in Virginia, where the impact percentage is way lower.

  27. little kid and a clown are walking into the forest. little kid says "this forest is dark and scary!"

    clown says "you're telling me . . . and i've got to walk out of here alone."

  28. True story:

    zfather took me to Ringling Brothers Circus when I was 3 or 4. Clown comes up to me and tries to give me a balloon animal. I'm terrified and say no. zfather and the clown keep trying to get me to take the balloon animal. Finally zfather says "Jeezus christ, take the goddam balloon!!" I still refuse so zfather takes it and lambastes me after the clown leaves. I remain ashamed and silent for the rest of the afternoon, deriving no enjoyment from the circus experience. He drops me off at zmother's house, still pissed about the clown incident and relays the story to her in anger. zmother asks for my side of the story. I told her "You're not supposed to take things from strangers" and zfather replies "That's not a stranger, that's a clown!" and I retort "That's the strangest looking man I've ever seen." zmother gives zfather her standard "you're jackass and a lousy excuse for a father" look and we go inside.

    I still do not like clowns.

  29. I don't like clowns, mascots or Halloween costumes.
    And Santas.
    Even as a little kid, I would give those people the side eye and stand at a distance.
    They are all creepy.

  30. Employee number 8 makes baskets. Santas creeped me out too. I guess I was a very cowardly child.

  31. tribe ad terry driscoll called it quits today after 21 years on the job. he's a good man.

  32. It could be a doozy, Whit, but I always tend to believe most Hurricanes will be less impactful than they are built up to be. I'll do some basic prep but I don't really trust the Hurricane Industrial Complex.

  33. dudes, important news. so important that i'm sharing it in a comments section on an obscure blog. effective immediately, i'm going to (finally) wean myself off of yahoo mail. please use batogato15 (at) to get me on the email machine going forward. hugs and kisses.

  34. i'll continue ignoring your emails, then.

  35. there were 14 other batogatos?


  37. Drive-By Truckers, Richmond (The National)

    Thurs Nov 10
    Fri Nov 11

    Get some

  38. Ever South might be the best hiphop song of 2016.

  39. As you know, tonight's VP debate takes place at Longwood University.

    As you might not know, Longwood's president is W. Taylor Reveley IV, son of Taylor III, current William & Mary president, and grandson of Taylor II, electric boogaloo . . . ahem, I mean former president of Hampden-Sydney College. Quite the higher ed lineage.

  40. If you're into schools in rural Virginia. Is Longwood the one with the hot trampy women or is that Radford? Or both? I recall guys from Virginia speaking of at least one of those schools in reverential tones.

  41. Clowns at the circus don't bother me but in the woods/on the road - yikes!
    And mall santas can definitely be weird.
    The Reveley Pres at Longwood -- we went to seminary at same time. He went Princeton undergrad, Union seminary (in Richmond), UVA law school, then various work before Pres gig. That's fam tradition I think (the educational path there). They're Presbyterian, too. Won't be surprised if Taylor runs for some polit office someday.

  42. This is unrelated to whatever this thread has mutated into, but I wanted to acknowledge Mark's odd podcast recommendation - The Fall of Rome. I gave it a shot and it is good. The dude who hosts the show is a total nerd, but I bet he'd admit it. He has encyclopedic knowledge of Roman culture and history. I knew almost zero about the Roman Empire's decline/decay from ~375 AD to 600 AD. Pretty crazy stuff.

    Hearing the guy reference a fictional soldier's life was amusing. He named the guy Wolfula (and correctly pronounced it Vulf-u-la every time). And he also "talks smack" about rival archeological factions in the tamest, nerdiest way possible. Very funny and educational. Makes me feel less guilty about listening to the Flair podcast, where I just learned Ken Patera was an alternate shot-putter for the 1972 Summer Olympics.

  43. I second everything TR just said. He sold the podcast far better than I ever could have.

  44. Pence started his comments by thanking Norwood University. Gonna be a long night for Mikey.

  45. Tim Kaine's dad is there. I guess that makes him...wait for it...Big Daddy Kaine?

    Yes, I'm drinking scotch on a Tuesday.

  46. So Pence began the debate going wide right?

  47. Too soon. Is Pence wearing metallic lipstick?

  48. Much like Marls circa 1995, Pence keeps his suit jackets wadded up in a ball on the floor in a pile of dirty clothes.

  49. Pence is a poor man's Roger Sterling. Except minus booze and women and plus Jesus and hating gay people.

  50. The title of this post can't be said about the VP debate.

  51. Pence has done very well. I'm unused to hearing coherent conservative policy talk. I know you Virginians like Kaine, but he comes off like a great, big puss.

  52. Kaine is pulling a Trump with the interruptions. Pence has the impossible task of defending Trump's stupid statements and he's doing a good job dodging.

  53. Wife and I are playing a game where we make up things that the aged Tom Broka might actually say, given he appears to have aged 15 years since we last saw him. They are all kinda mean.
