Tuesday, September 13, 2016

When a moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a-Gheorghe

Apparently, the big fella is back in the ad business. Not sure this is a Don Draper special from the fine folks at Paisano's.


  1. They couldn't find a single Italian-American to say good things about Paisano's Pizza?

  2. Not on the Skins, Caps, or Wiz, I guess.

  3. Gheorghe really hams it up. I like his commitment to the role.

    His stromboli drips in mid gesture, though. I'd never have let that air if I were directing.

  4. Clarence will only let turgid strombolis pass through his lips.

  5. Not droops, drips. As in sauce or grease drips to the floor, or even worse on his Paisanos #77 uniform.

  6. North Carolina GOP spokesperson Kami Mueller on the NCAA bailing on NC for championships:

    "I wish the NCAA was this concerned about the women who were raped at Baylor." Yikes.

    More of the statement:
    “This is so absurd it’s almost comical. I genuinely look forward to the NCAA merging all men’s and women’s teams together as singular, unified, unisex teams. Under the NCAA’s logic, colleges should make cheerleaders and football players share bathrooms, showers and hotel rooms. This decision is an assault to female athletes across the nation. If you are unwilling to have women’s bathrooms and locker rooms, how do you have a women’s team? I wish the NCAA was this concerned about the women who were raped at Baylor. Perhaps the NCAA should stop with their political peacocking — and instead focus their energies on making sure our nation’s collegiate athletes are safe, both on and off the field.”

    Glossing over the use of "peacock" as a verb (oh, and the atrocious incorporation of that matter into this one), the actual verbiage in the most pointed comment should have been in the subjunctive mood: I wish the NCAA were this concerned about the women who were raped at Baylor. If you are a spokesperson of pretty much anything, much less a group this large, high-profile, and impawtant, understanding of and proper usage of the English language and its grammatical quirks should be a prerequisite. Then again, perhaps Ms. Mueller considers the subjunctive mood a divergence from what God wrote in the Bible and therefore does not acknowledge it. Look out for HB3: If we was meant to talk purty the Lawd woulda given us purtier teeth, coming next go-'round.

  7. i wouldn't complain if that rant were expanded into a post.

  8. Everybody's travel commentary from the last post has me excited to be waiting to board a flight to OKC, which has a layover in Dulles. At least I'm in shorts. The "Group 2" queue for United (which contains half the flight) is already 15 deep and they won't board for another 20 minutes. United!

  9. We are on a 10pm flight tomorrow night to jolly ol' England - yes, the morons will continue to line up like dolts, but I will say that British Airways treats you mighyt fine on the way across the pond once on the plane.

    On the way back you seem to get treated more like cattle.

  10. In Denmark they just say "Everyone get on the plane!" No boarding groups. It's much less stressful. And the Danes are uniformly polite so they share the overhead space. And Danish women are uniformly good-looking so you don't mind when they climb over you to get to the rest room.

  11. Zman, a ruling, please?


  12. Lots of gtb travelers today heh guys? I'm currently at my fll gate (that's the douchey way of saying "fort Lauderdale airport") situated directly across from the newly opened Barbara's Kitchen, as in Barbara Nicklaus. They've got a nice bar too so you can bet your ass I'll be there shortly sipping on a vod.

    Group #'s for United & Delta are laughable. The # of groups preceding what is typically a pretty low number, that number being 2, is outlandish! There's just one number before 2, correct? No sir...not with these airlines. And a Group 3 on United for example equates to "on the tail wing" am I right? And getting any status only gets more difficult! >drops ultimate neck pillow and walks through gate<

  13. Last night I watched a guys on my DCA to DFW flight spill half and half all over his tray. After trying to clean the spill with his decidedly not absorbent boarding pass he just closed the tray allowing the spill to flow into the seat back. People are filthy fucking animals.

  14. Says Marls, a paragon of cleanliness and hygiene.

  15. From my recollection y'all both nasty.

  16. It's Rootsy. Miss Miner if you're nasty.

  17. And can we talk about the disparity with the time it takes to check into some hotels vs others? 60 seconds or less for some, several minutes for others. Just what are they doing on that computer? Scalping concert tickets?!
    Sitting on delayed flight...mechanical issue. A sensor of some kind blah blah blah. Get me home!!! Aahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

  18. Me me me me. At least bring the ligger cart over! Or let me watch some tv...I was in the middle of an episode of the Alaskan fishing show...Dangerous Catch. Is that what it's called? Oh look, cheez itz....I'm in a way better mood now.

  19. Pilot: I don't care to be a cowboy or hero, so we are going to fly around the storm rather than through it.
    Danimal: That's right ICE. MAN. You aren't dangerous.
    >snaps jaw shut<

  20. I had a flight from Dallas to Houston where they did a quickie boarding of our small plane after a long delay. Turned out the pilot saw a gap in the midst of a huge Texas storm and decided to go for it. The flight was so bumpy that it didn't feel real. And I saw lightning several times off of the wing. I think the pilots get their rocks off on those kinds of flights.

  21. The SEC Network/ESPN ran a documentary on the 06-07 back to back national champion Florida Basketball team tonight. It's called Repeat After Us.

    I'm biased, as that's my all time favorite team, but I highly recommend it. The overwhelming takeaway from it was how much that team (specifically the "04s"- Brewer/Green/Horford/Noah) loved each other. It's pretty damn cool to see and hear them talk about.

  22. had dinner tonight with the san bernardino police sergeant who led the team that intercepted and neutralized the terrorists who attacked that city last december. there were some holy shit stories told. by him, not me.

  23. rob's Saints cut C.J. Spiller. Let's take a moment to look back on the high-water mark of Spiller's career: the time he was the subject of a G:TB post.


  24. Skins will pick him up, I'm sure.

  25. Talking heads on CNN debating the importance of a candidate's health. So FDR was not qualified, for example.

  26. You lefties need to admit Team Hillary shit the bed on this one - not disclosing pneumonia, and then waiting a full day after she impersonated Bernie Lomax to fess up. She has had quite a bit of health incidents in recent years. Almost all of us here are voting for her, and almost all of us are unenthused about Tim Kaine as our President.

  27. Can we get a psychiatric evaluation of Trump then? I'm SUPER enthused about a Mike Pence presidency.

  28. Trump will quickly realize he can't change things overnight and wants the position for show. So the sad thing is Pence is going to be the de facto president from a policy perspective.

  29. Tim Kaine is a terrific human being and far more qualified to lead than the limited exposure he's gotten in the mass media. He is a centrist and unifying as anyone we've seen come through the docket in a while. He alienates only the extreme fringe, fear mongers never, and brings plenty of unorthodox lefty qualities (huge defense guy, for one thing) that make him a far more palatable leader than Mike "Hong Kong dollars, Indian cents, English pounds, and Eskimo" Pence can claim to be. We in Virginia have gotten a good long look at him as governor and US senator. I'd be enthused.

  30. Yeah,he's a good guy Clarence, but he's been going around playing 'Wagon Wheel' on the harmonica. That could be a disqualifying factor.

    I've never met TK, but have met his wife and father in law, former Va Repub Gov Linwood Holton. Both very nice, genuine people. My jug band played at Gov. Holton's swanky retirement community on Va's Northern Neck. He recounted seeing a jug band playing in Big Stone Gap, VA in 1936. I wish I knew who they were...

  31. yeah, like he said. also, kaine is a big music head, which is cool.

    as for hrc, she certainly screwed up the illness thing, but it's amazing to me that her relatively minor fuckup gets more run than trump's egregious lack of qualification and failure to disclose basic financial and health background. it's as if the media just takes his buffoonery as a given and spends no time fleshing out the specific reasons why he shouldn't be president.

  32. He's a pragmatic fellow...what is the name of the political party coined by Rob and others here?

    Tagline of "Raisin Kaine!"?
    "Kaine is Able!"?
    "Tim Kaine Do It!"?

  33. Who doesn't report on troon's buffoonery? It's all over the place, as is the refusal to submit tax returns, health records, etc... they're both being equally skewered from my perspective.

  34. it's not been deeply reported by the major news outlets. it's acknowledged, sure, but there's not a lot of discussion of the unprecedented nature of this behavior from a major party candidate. i've got no particular love for clinton as a candidate, but the alternative is legitimately scary in terms of what it represents both in terms of national leadership and legitimizing white nationalism as a political force.

  35. This will be a Reagan'esque landslide in HRC'S favor. Take a deep breath.

  36. Enjoyed seeing that Colin Powell emailed that Bill Clinton is "still dicking bimbos."

  37. Of all the stupid/shady shit Hillary has done over the past 30+ years in public life, succumbing to pneumonia seems like the least likely straw to break the camel's back for most rational voters.

  38. went to an event today at the vikings' new stadium. it's pretty cool, all steel and glass, and shaped like a viking ship. but the translucent ceiling lets in a lot of sunlight, and i bet it'll be hot as shit in there during early season day games.

  39. You mean like 80 degrees hot?

  40. We also need to make a "still dicking bimbos" label for this post.

  41. Dave, we need to write a new verse for your George Bush and Slick Will song that incorporates "still dicking bimbos" into it.

    Although I always enjoyed the line "Bill Clinton stole my plans for a female android... because he was sad he had never fucked a robot."

  42. DC to Dallas to San Antonio to Dallas to NY to DC. I have realized that train travel is exponentially more civilized. I'm on my 2nd dewars 12 while rolling through the Oranges (birthplace of Ian Ziering).

  43. Amtrak is my shit for any travel of 5 hours or less.

  44. Amtrak is never on time.

    Houston - still whelming.

    Ohio and Florida races closer than you might think.

    Somebody keyed my rental car today, when I was parked outside an OKC Starbucks.

  45. How does the rental car agency deal with that shit?
