Friday, August 26, 2016

Good Grief

Somewhere, Charlie Brown is smoking a cigarette, the Little Red-Haired Girl's head nestled against his shoulder as they lay in the afterglow of beautiful cartoon lovemaking. Lucy's sitting outside wondering how the hell he kicked that ball so far. -- Misery Loves Company, October 28, 2004

I wrote that the day after the Red Sox won the 2004 World Series. It remains one of my favorite pieces of prose, self-written category.

Somewhere today, Charlie Brown's world is just a little sadder, as news came from Minnesota that the little red-haired girl died last week.

Donna Wold was the one that got away for Charles Schulz, a girl he met while in art school who chose another man. Judging by her obituary, she lived a long and happy life, raising four kids with the guy that beat Charlie Brown out.

Charlie did okay for himself, too, as it happened.


  1. I hope Clarence and his wife used the phrase "Rocking like Dokken at Lockn" at least once.

  2. Just walked by Venus Williams on E 50th St. She walked out of the Palace Hotel w/ a tiny dog. Tall - at least 6'1", maybe taller. And a lot of pink going on in her wardrobe and braids. I think she dug me.

  3. I imagine Clarence's ex-wife is enjoying the irony of being at Lockn for Ween while he watches from home with his in-tact vas deferens.

  4. I'm without wife and kids all weekend. College Football starts tonight (kind of) and I've got my large $ fantasy draft tomorrow. Not a bad weekend (though quite likely an unhealthy one) on tap.

    Speaking of on tap, the local brew pub now has Tito's on tap. Can any of you smart guys tell me what the benefit of having vodka on tap is?

  5. The bar may get some volume discount for being able to say it is on tap. I doubt there is any utility for the consumer aside from the novelty of having brand-name vodka on tap. Tito's seems to have really disrupted the vodka market in recent years so maybe this is part of their corporate capture strategy.

  6. That was my thought as well re: the benefit being on the bar's side of things. I'm not. Big vodka guy though so I wondered if there was a consumer benefit.

  7. might be the first use of 'corporate capture strategy' here at gtb. nice work professionalizing the joint, mayhugh.

  8. Rootsy, that's a good memory and an amusing observation.

    Ween again at 6 tonight. Phish after that. I'll be streaming thanks to this handy app.

  9. speaking of corporate capture strategy, anyone else wondering how much clarence is getting paid to shill this app?

  10. It cost me $5 and I get the whole festival all weekend long on the tube. In the past websites offered streamed individual acts for $20-$40. What a bargain.

    Also, it occurred to me that I got to enjoy a couch, bed, and refrigerator (separately, not like this, instead of camping. Score one for Clarence's domesticated laziness.

  11. in a meeting and a colleague just said 'we need to control the message', and all i could think about was 'control the hooter, control the man'. so that was a fun little flashback.

  12. Did you let him know that you were thinking about his ball bag?

  13. Coach Kliff is catfiishing his players
    This amuses me

  14. Does he have permission to use the women's photos?

  15. Wait - you mean you need permission to use stuff you find on the internet?

    That is a surprisingly hard concept to get for some people.

  16. gtb is a copyright lawsuit waiting to happen. hope the teej has got that llc set up.

  17. This is more of a right of publicity issue.

    On a lighter note, new Frank Ocean and De La Soul in the same week!

  18. i listened to the new frank ocean a lot this week - my daughter is playing it non-stop. i highly recommend it.

  19. Ween is back onstage. Pork Roll Egg & Cheese

  20. I prefer channel orange but maybe blonde will grow on me.

  21. Happy National Dog Day from your newest foster dog family! Roscoe, a black lab part mutt is in his 3rd day with us. Everyone digs him. He says hello. And yes, the kids know it is temporary.

  22. Team TR is at the airport, waiting to hop a plane for our third annual vacation to Hilton Head. For a 755 PM flight w/ the family that involves checked luggage, we arrived by 545, bracing for the worst Newark airport had to offer. We seem to have come in after the crush.

    Forecast is low 90's and humid, which means a week of belly sweat for this guy. Awesome.

  23. New Simmons podcast w/ Rappaport is up. There is apparently more stickman discussion at the 72:00 mark.

  24. Danimal, everything is life is temporary. Except death.

    Yikes. Sorry about that. Cheers! TGIF!

  25. We will be stopping at a Wal-Mart Supercenter in Hardeeville, SC tmrw to load up on supplies. Can't wait to count the Make America Great Again hats.

  26. You should stop at the Bojangles near that Walmart. I don't know that there's a Bojangles near that Walmart but I'm willing to bet there is.

    Roscoe is a great dog name. And makes me think of Rasheed Wallace.

    Frank Ocean doesn't really do it for me. But I kind of dig the new Young Thug. I said it.

  27. I lost a wallet during a Hardeeville pit stop some years ago. Big reward if you find it TR. Btw...during my HHI vacay I was able to connect w an alum Alex U who owns a home there. Good times.

  28. Danimal and the honky version of I Left My Wallet in El Segundo.

  29. tr, fratre otis day is also in hhi. yell loudly for him when you arrive. i assume that'll do the trick. core principles.

  30. TR is going to get arrested for drunken yelling (public intoxication) and it's all going to be your fault, Rob.

  31. shoot. i kinda feel bad about that.

  32. I feel worse for Ezekiel Elliott, who is being lambasted for going into a legal business establishment in Seattle. Broke no laws. "Just not good," says Jerry Jones. Who needs a toke worse than most.

  33. It's beyond ironic that a league that lives on opiates is concerned over a visit to a marijuana dispensary. Hypocrisy is real.

    I had a big fantasy draft today. One of my best friends died this summer and thus was not a part of this draft. Took some wind out of the collective sails. Drink up with friends when you can.

  34. wow-- lot of catching up to do here-- we had an awful internet connection at the beach. i think i got the gist though: i need to see "the revenant," i need to tell my wife to stop reading "in a dark dark wood," shitting in japan is delightful, and i'm never going to osaka (for humidity reasons).
