Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Sturgill Simpson is not related to Jessica Simpson or Homer Simpson or OJ Simpson but you should check out his new album anyway

Sturgill Simpson released his third album, "A Sailor's Guide to Earth," last month and you should check it out if you haven't already done so. Simpson is typically considered a country artist, but some of the songs on this album don't fit into that category. If not for the twang and timbre of his voice they'd be flat-out indie R&B. For example, "Call to Arms" is on some straight Blues Brothers shit.

Check out the switch at 2:20 in "Welcome to Earth (Pollywog)":

And "Brace for Impact (Live a Little)" has a little Al Green in it:

Simpson's developing a habit of including startlingly unexpected and good covers in his albums. This time around he did "In Bloom."

I've seen a lullaby version of "In Bloom" before, but this is a lot better.

Simpson will be in Brooklyn, Boston, and DC on October 8, 9, and 11, respectively. Who's up for a show?


  1. Andy Murray not making life easy for himself in the first two rounds of the French Open...

  2. Bout to pick up my daughter from school early to head to Balmer for Courtney Barnett show. Just learned the opener Tsp (The Sandwich Police) is led by front man Evan Dando. Thank you universe.

  3. Had an off-site meeting with a collaborator and a vendor. Vendor seemed a bit off. We walked out together and his car was parked next to mine--his was the one with a large sticker that said "TRUMP - Make America Great Again" and Virginia plates.

  4. Sad thing is Trump will continue to sell that merchandise win or lose. On the bright side, it makes the decision easier on who to snake in front of/cut off when merging in traffic.

  5. you should negotiate the shit out of your contract with that vendor

  6. He's going to build a fence for us. It will have a gate.

  7. are you sure he's not building a wall?

  8. Going to be a great fence. Really really great.

  9. god, i fucking hate this election and all the candidates in it.

  10. sturgill simpson seems pretty entertaining, but i bet there be a lot of trump supporters at his shows.

  11. The best fence in the neighborhood. It will be tremendous.
