Saturday, April 02, 2016

Fuck Right Off


  1. Is this Rob's reaction to TJ's social media barrage about his birthday? If so, totally justifiable.

  2. I thought this was directed at Buckminster Fuller.

  3. my daughter is going to see a logic show tonight. guess i need to listen to some logic to see how good/bad a parent i am.

  4. Logic is fine. She could do much worse in terms of both taste and content in terms of her hip hop preferences.

  5. El Clasico bringing it today.

  6. Would have been nice if Lon Kruger showed up tonight. He has had nothing to offer strategically to help his team.

  7. they quit on him something fierce. not sure it would have mattered, though. nova couldn't miss.

  8. daughter just texted and asked if she could go into the mosh pit. there are mosh pits at rap shows?

  9. Post racial America is a good thing, Rob.

    I hope you said no.

  10. she's got to learn at some point

  11. apparently logic just lit a joint and led the crowd in a chant of 'legalize marijuana everywhere'. not all that catchy, as chants go. but political activism! and a learning experience for my kidlet.

  12. Whole lot of parenting going on for Rob tonight.

  13. Have you all heard the Hamburger Helper mix tape, Watch the Stove? Find it mildly amusing. Told my wife about it as we were driving down the road. Funniest 15 minutes as she tried to Google DJ Hamburger Helper to play it over Bluetooth.

  14. Hulu's homepage wisely touts that they have all nine seasons of Curious George. I'm a subscriber now.

  15. my kids have been watching every episode of family guy on netflix. bad parenting on my part.

  16. My 6 y/o is "student of the week" in his class. He has to fill out a form. Under "favorite song", he wrote Turn Down For What. With that said, he was mesmerized by DMX's Up in Here all w/e, after hearing it play in the Key & Peele movie commercial. So you're not alone with improper media management for your kid. His favorite movie was Grown Ups 2, which he somehow has seen.
