Monday, March 14, 2016

Gheorghe Expands Your Horizons

Because we scan the globe to bring you cultural traditions and broaden your experience of the world, we're pleased to inform you that today marks the first day of Chet. For our Sikh friends, Chet is the first month of the Nanakshahi calendar, which tracks the traditions of Sikhism.

Please join me, and all of Gheorghedom, in wishing a very happy New Year to our Sikh brothers and sisters.


  1. You two dipshits couldn't get laid in a morgue.

  2. how about a fried pork sandwich served in a dirty ash tray

  3. i knew you guys would love chet.

  4. i made my kids watch the breakfast club last night. they really liked bender. it's a great movie, with some really weird dancing.

  5. Keep 'em away from the duct tape!

  6. Is there anything more frustrating than trying to talk an elderly parent through the process of connecting their computer to a new wifi router over the phine?

  7. Or even worse, over the phone?

  8. In 1985 my dad explained that he disapproved of The Breakfast Club because he felt the turning point of the film when the kids broke down the barriers between castes and came to know each other occurred when they smoked marijuana, and that is the wrong message for the teen audience.

  9. He would've preferred peyote?

  10. Your Brooklyn Islanders were down 2-0 against the Panthers with less than 8 minutes left. They came back and scored three goals in less than six minutes. Impressive resiliency from a feisty team.

  11. I legitimately forget that the Florida Panthers hockey organization exists from time to time.

  12. Ben the Bachelor picked the boring girl

  13. quiet around here. you guys all stuck on dc metro trains breathing noxious fumes, huh?

  14. your dad has a point-- and it would have been more realistic if they smoked marijuana and then headed back to their original seats to contemplate their thoughts in silence . . . but it would have made for a boring movie. troubled times.

  15. I watched almost zero college hoops this year so I have Miami, Duke, UNC and MSU in the Final Four based solely on coaching and my inherent ACC bias. MSU over Duke in the final. I think this will end poorly.

  16. In honor of Kasich, one of my favorite old YouTubes:

  17. is kasich alive? Yes or no?

  18. His wife is a bit frisky.

    The OJ series continues to bring the goods.

  19. kasich is demonstrably alive. he has no chance at the republican nomination, though.
