Wednesday, February 10, 2016

My email has stepped into the wayback frat machine

Yesterday, these two messages were atop my phone's email...very kind of Dr. Sam Beckett to check in every now and again.


  1. That is so wee-id.
    I've been watching Baskets TR. The jury is still out after having viewed 2 or 3 episodes. Anything with ZG (that's what I call him) has potential.

  2. Baskets is produced by Louie CK, so the show will have a long leash to get weird and do whatever Zach wants to do.

  3. Serious question for you Gheorghies: what's your opinion of Hannah Storm?
    She's on ESPN all. the. time.
    And I'm not sure why.
    Do middle-aged dudes with money dig her?

  4. I kinda like Hannah, but can't speak for the middle-aged dudes w/money.
    She's got a little somethin about her, and it's not just the Notre Dame connection. In my younger, single days, I'd say I'd definitely hit it.

  5. She's pretty good. Most middle-aged white guys remember her being good doing the NBA on NBC in the 90's. And she ages like a fine wine, which also appeals to the middle-aged white guys.

  6. Just bought the wife and older kid (as well as one of her friends and myself) tickets to see Beyonce in Tampa in April. I'm not necessarily a Beyonce fan but can appreciate what a great performer she is so I'm down to go to the show to check it out. This is definitely going to make those the wife and kid lose their shit though.

    Dad/Husband of the month (or week, at least).

  7. You have a sentence including "Beyonce" and "great performer" and can't work in a single Red Lobster joke? I expect more from you.

  8. When I first heard about the Red Lobster tidbit I thought it was a clickhole article.

  9. I would like a ruling on Beyoncé - can she actually dance? I know she executes the choreographed moves, but does she actually have rhythm? I always thought she kind of looked spastic in her videos while dancing. I compare and contrast her dancing with Shakira's in the Beautiful Liar video, and I think Shakira clearly leaves her in the dust.

  10. She can dance. There's a fluidity to her movements that's tough to fake.

    And you're right, Z. I dropped the ball.

  11. This OJ miniseries is such such such such a guilty pleasure.

    I love the flashbacks to Costas before he started looking freakish.

  12. Tim Flannery's Twitter meltdown is pretty amusing.

    "You shake the cage, you get the beast."
