Friday, October 23, 2015

I'm Gonna Uke

The Pope came to my door.  He said, "Clarence, say, man, you got any papal ballots?'  I said, "No, not on me."  He said, "It'd be a lot cooler if you did.  What with me really enjoying exercising my civil liberties and casting my vote for the next ruler of the Catholic state."

The result:

Whoa.  What.  Holy crap.

Thank the frickin lord for the ukelele, or this guy would never get laid.

Bad. Ass.

And finally, okay, different instruments, but same thing.  My brain melts.

could watch
a million


  1. is this post to mock my "weak" hey gheorghies?

  2. love it when clarence gets stoned and motivated

  3. not to kill the buzz here, but this hurricane bearing down on mexico is going to be a legitimate natural disaster. highest recorded storm windspeed in history.

  4. not to be a buzzkill but that lady skips the first couple lyrics from "looking down the barrel of a gun." she's got a lot of nerve.

  5. I don't think so, Dave. Which lyrics?

  6. Is that Bret from Flight of the Conchords in that Hey Ya uke? See 1:35


  8. jake shimabukuro might be better at playing the ukelele than anyone else on the planet is at anything else

  9. You've clearly never lived with TR. He's better at stinking up a bathroom than anyone is at anything else.

  10. (For TJ mostly) Being up most of the night with the flu, I learned things like "Tremors 5 is on ON DEMAND" and "Hey, somebody thought it would be a good idea to make a Tremors 5."

    The Tremors movies may be my favorite campy series ever, due in significant part to the fact it has kept Michael Gross flush with cash for 2 decades. They kind of fell off the tracks with Tremors 4, when they went back to the old West and all of the actors played the ancestors of their original characters. But I'm tempted to drop $2.99 to watch Gross and Jamie Kennedy (perhaps playing a South African?) run from graboids.

  11. sorry, i was wrong. i misremembered the chorus profanity being at the start of the song.
