Friday, September 04, 2015

The Test with Guests

Episode 12 of The Test is special for several reasons:

1) we have two live guests: my buddy Alec-- who designs and builds performing spaces for a living-- and-- as a bonus-- his wife Heather, who sings for us;

2) I created an especially awesome musical interlude between the question portion of the program and the answer portion of the program . . . but Stacey complained it was too long . . . which might be true . . . but it's still awesome;

3) God beeps himself.



  2. bryce harper was 0 for 0 with 4 runs and an rbi last night.

  3. In an absolute sea of bad sportswriting about the badness of the Washington Football Club, here is an article that resists surface-level observation, knee-jerk lambasting, and overblown hyperbole and actually digs a little deeper into the psyche of a universally despised owner with a specific recommendation. I think it's very well constructed.

  4. good article. i'm not being facetious when i say that it's hard for me to remember when the redskins were a juggernaut, and a giants/skins game was something to look forward to . . .

  5. izzy gutierrez has teh gay. and wrote movingly about it:

  6. My old roommate who lives in Miami says Gutierrez can hoop. I like him even more now.

  7. Fabio Fognini is one of the better tennis names out there.
